According to her daughter, a long-standing 911 operator has voiced a problem at work about the COVID-19 safeguard a few weeks before the virus died.
According to her daughter, a long-standing 911 operator who died in the last 30 days from a coronavirus problem has told families that he is worried and that his colleagues have not received proper personal protective equipment. Was.
Russell Mosjesky, who was serious about a job focused on spouses and children and his colleagues, reported to the Sun Times in a cell phone interview Saturday his daughter, Hannah Mosjesky.
According to Cook County’s clinical inspector’s office, Modezki died on March 29 from a COVID-19 infection, partly due to diabetes and high blood pressure.
A few weeks prior to his death, 60-year-old Modezki said relatives were provided with a hand sanitizer at his office, but even when working in an office environment in an unexpected emergency, the staff could not Gloves and other protective products were not provided for management and communication.
“In the beginning of March, we spoke just because he now has experience dealing with diabetes issues, and we’re susceptible or hardly [if] His daughter said.
According to an assertion sent by the OEMC via email, 14 individuals analyzed the benefits to coronavirus across all departments, including Modjeski, and OEMC employees were notified of all colleagues’ constructive diagnoses. I am.
“Since March, OEMs have been adopting ways to increase facility health and social distance, in accordance with ongoing instructions by the CDC and the Chicago Public Health Service,” he said.
The techniques employed include frequent cleaning, high-grade disinfection workers are provided with a hand sanitizer and stylus to limit touch on the screen, and an unexpected emergency function center was established by the Law Enforcement Academy. And the company has allowed management personnel to work remotely.
However, all employees working on the website have been added a statement that “we are allowed to use cloth covers to get the job done. Masks are available on site” .
(Left) Russell Modjeski, (Suitable) Hannah ModjeskiProvided
His daughter stated that Modezky had worked for the OEMC for 20 years, but she claimed that no officers served the household given her death, given that only his colleagues were dead.
“Not everyone asserted everything, and no one has achieved anything to offer condolences or almost anything,” Hannah Modzkie reported.
She said her father, or anyone else who worked on the job opportunity of the authorities but died at COVID-19, deserved to be recognized dead on the town’s duty line.
“These are individuals who answer the phone and send law enforcement or ambulances as needed,” she reported. “They work in crowded places, enclosed spaces, and some people share a desk. They should really be recognized as dying in all of their duties.”
Mayor Lorilightfoot publicly acknowledged the death of two Chicago law enforcement officers as effectively as the death of another town staff member who died on the issue of COVID-19, and asked why her father’s death was I wondered if he did not die.
April 3, Interim Chicago Law Enforcement Supt. Charlie Beck said that the coronavirus-related death of veteran officer Marco di Franco was considered an end to duty, and that certain Difranco widows and two small children would gain certain burial honors and interests. I am.
According to an email from the OEMC, these honors and rewards are not accessible to “civilian staff.” The company said, “Some staff members have contacted Mr. Modezki’s household, expressed his condolences and assisted with issues related to human assets.”
His daughter stated that his family was optimistically testing and conducting self-quarantine because they speculated they were also infected. Her 89-year-old grandmother, living in a family home, was recently optimistic about the virus and was hospitalized. Shortly after the seven days of uncertainty, her health began to improve.
“My dad was silent, but he was concerned,” she said. “He cares about us and his colleagues, and that’s why I’m talking, because that’s what he wanted.”
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