Anthony Fauci believes the UK COVID variant is more widespread than known in the United States

Newer, more infectious variants of COVID What emerged from the United Kingdom can occur in more US states than is currently known, Anthony Fauci Said Newsweek..
A variant known as B.1.1.7 first appeared in Colorado last week and has since been California, Florida, New York, Georgia. B.1.1.7 is believed to be due to spikes COVID Cases in the UK due to better spread than past viruses. It doesn’t seem to make people sick.
Fauci, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Chief Immunologist and Director Newsweek On Tuesday, he would be “extremely surprised” if the British variant was not in “some states” and was “more widespread in the United States than currently detected.”
He pointed out Forecasts he made when UK stocks were not yet reported in the US.. Believe it wasn’t discovered at that time.
“I was saying I’m sure it’s here, we haven’t detected it yet, and if it’s in a place like California, New York, Colorado … it’s I think it’s pretty clear that it will happen soon. In some more states. “
New variants of the virus occur when collecting important new mutations. The term “mutation” sounds alarming, but these genetic changes usually occur as part of the viral life cycle.Thousands Of mutation COVID It has happened since the beginning of the pandemic.
However, mutations, such as UK variants and UK variants, can affect the action of the virus. South Africa Although it is not covered in the United States Fauci I believe it exists.
Fauci The British variant “clearly affects the functioning of the virus,” he said, by allowing it to spread more easily among people.
“We take it very seriously. Transmission rate, More cases will occur. The more cases you get, the more hospitalization you get. And as hospitalization increases, the death toll will eventually increase. “
Announce the third nationwide to the UK on Monday Blockade, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said B.1.1.7 is 50 to 70 percent more contagious than past forms COVID..He said the number of hospitalizations COVID Patients in the UK were 40 percent higher than the first peak in April, and COVID Deaths last week increased by more than 20%.
I was asked if I expected more cases in the US, as in the UK, thanks to the variant. Fauci They said they were “already soaring”, emphasizing the fact that the country often broke records of deaths, hospitalizations and cases.
For example, on Tuesday, 131,195 people were hospitalized. COVID In the United StatesAccording to, set a new record To COVID A tracking project that marks the 35th day when the country has been hospitalized for more than 100,000 people.
Daily updates will be published. The state reported 1.6 million tests, 214k cases, a record 131,195 COVID-19 cases, and 3,478 deaths.
— COVID Tracking Project (@ COVID19Tracking) January 6, 2021
“There are our own problems with the surge,” he said. “I don’t think there are any mutations in the UK [variant] The UK variant is here, which has caused a significant surge in cases in the United States, but it is not the dominant strain in the United States. But even though it is not the dominant tension, there is still a very steep case curve in our country. “
Fauci People said they should follow the same public health measures recommended throughout the pandemic to protect themselves from new variants. This includes wearing masks both indoors and outdoors, especially keeping a physical distance from people indoors, avoiding crowds, and washing your hands frequently.

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