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Experts say COVID-19 South African variants may not be vulnerable to vaccines

Experts say COVID-19 South African variants may not be vulnerable to vaccines
Experts say COVID-19 South African variants may not be vulnerable to vaccines


The South African variant of COVID-19, known as 501.V2, is just one of the thousands of different versions or variants of SARS-CoV-2 that are currently prevalent. As with the British variants of the virus, experts have a lot of focus on South African variants. This is because it is more alert than other variants.

Experts are worried that South African variants may not be very vulnerable to the available COVID-19 vaccine. ScienceAlert report. Research is underway to ensure that this claim is accurate and to find out how and why.

If that is really true, the COVID-19 vaccine may be fine-tuned to increase efficacy. Said Reuters says it will take at least six weeks to achieve. These vaccine developers are also experimenting with a coronavirus variant named B.1.1.7 found in the United Kingdom.

Vaccine Centers Start Covid Inoculation in Some States

(Photo: Getty Images)
Potsdam, Germany-January 5: Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine bottle against Covid-19 on the first day of operation of the center during the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic on January 5, Metropolis-Hale event Standing at the center’s vaccination center. , 2021, in Potsdam, Germany.

South African variants have more about mutations

All viruses acquire mutations over time when they make their own copy. So it’s not surprising that a year after the virus spread around the world, variants of SARs-CoV-2 in the United Kingdom and South Africa emerged.

However, experts are concerned that South African variants are more involved in mutations than other coronavirus mutations. Lawrence Young, a virologist and professor of molecular oncology at the University of Warwick, said that the mutants found in South Africa had more mutations in the peplomer than the mutants found in the United Kingdom.

This is problematic because current COVID-19 vaccines train the immune system to recognize the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, and too many mutations in the spike protein make the immune system unrecognizable. This means that the virus can get inside the body and evade detection, Young said.

Neutralization assays, experiments with new mutants, tell us if these mutants should raise concerns about vaccine efficacy. At present, health officials have stated that there is no evidence that the COVID-19 vaccine does not work for the two new variants.

Also, New York Times Experts reported that the virus would take years to mutate enough to betray the available vaccines. In other words, when a vaccine becomes less effective, it develops gradually rather than suddenly failing.

“This will be a process that occurs on a multi-year timescale and requires the accumulation of multiple viral mutations,” said Jesse Bloom, an evolutionary biologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.

Read again: South African scientists strive to understand the new COVID-19 variant

Are South African variants more dangerous than other variants?

At present, there is evidence that South African variants or mutated variants of SARs-CoV-2 may cause more serious illness. Health professionals still advise you to follow basic health protocols such as proper and frequent hand washing, physical distance, and wearing a face mask.

According to the BBC, South African variants already dominated South Africa’s Eastern and Western Cape states. Other countries such as Austria, Norway, the United Kingdom and Japan have also reported atypical cases of South Africa in their own countries.

read more: New COVID-19 strain does not cause more serious illness

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