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Indigenous peoples of eight Vancouver Island health areas share 1,900 COVID-19 vaccines

Indigenous peoples of eight Vancouver Island health areas share 1,900 COVID-19 vaccines


Approximately 1,900 doses of modelna vaccine have been distributed to eight remote indigenous communities within the island’s health area, according to recent statistics released by the State Department of Health and the Department of Indigenous Health (FNHA).

According to the data provided, six Nuu-chah indigenous peoples along the west coast of Vancouver Island received a total of 1,070 Moderna vaccines.

Ahousaht First Nation received 520 doses, followed by Ehattesaht / Chineh Kint and Nuchatlaht 110 doses, Huu-ay-aht 110 doses, Kyuquot Chekleseht 140 doses, and Mowachaht / Muchalaht 190 doses.

Alert Bay’s Namgis First Nation received a total of 770 vaccines.

Cortes Island-based Klahoose First Nation, which fought the COVID-19 outbreak in November, received 60 doses for its membership.

Read more: Klahoose First Nation community locks down due to positive COVID-19 test

Health officials have previously announced that 10,700 doses of moderna will be available to indigenous communities in rural and remote areas of the state.

To date, 5,300 of these moderna doses have been distributed to 18 rural and remote indigenous communities in British Columbia. Most health officials received the vaccine between December 28th and 31st due to the delay in shipping the first moderna.

Immunization has been promoted in most indigenous communities since Monday, and many leaders are stepping up their first dose of vaccine to alleviate concerns among members who dislike vaccines.

Read more: Vaccine arrives for the indigenous people of Vancouver Island struck with COVID-19

First Nations is Moderna because the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, the first COVID-19 vaccine approved in Canada, requires sub-zero temperatures (-70) for storage to challenge remote transport and storage logistics. I am receiving the vaccine.

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