The next phase of the COVID-19 vaccine deployment in Washington has been announced
Washington state health officials say the next phase of vaccination deployment will include four stages, including one for some people under the age of fifty.
Washington state health officials detailed Wednesday’s plans for Phase 1B of the state’s vaccine deployment.
The plan is in place, but the state remains Phase 1A.
Once Phase 1B goes into effect (perhaps after January), vaccination Washington citizens will have four levels of priority.
- Tier 1: People over 70 and over 50 living in multi-generational households.
- Tier 2: High-risk, critical workers over the age of 50 in meetinghouses such as grocery stores, correctional facilities, public transport, schools and agriculture.
- Tier 3: People aged 16-70 with two or more underlying health conditions.
- Tier 4: Key workers at high risk in a collective environment, such as Tier 2 under the age of 50, and staff and volunteers of all ages in collective living facilities.
Secretary of Health Dr. Umair Shah said that as of Wednesday morning, January 6, 522,550 doses of the vaccine had been given. Of that supply, 126,602 total doses were administered. The data reported to the state has a delay of up to 3 days.
Based on current data, approximately 24% of Washington’s dose is administered.
“We are doing everything we can to work with the community, so we can vaccinate the arms of people as soon as possible, not just in the state,” Shah said.
He said it was important for the state to advance vaccination faster.
“The pace of vaccination seems to have increased, but this is also very important. Again, it’s not the way we actually get started, it’s the way we keep progressing.”
Deputy Health Secretary Michelle Roberts said there were several reasons for the slow deployment.
“First for the time actually needed at the local level for holidays, unpredictable delivery schedules, and large-scale plans to expand these large-scale campaigns and vaccination events in the healthcare system. There were many unique situations that made weeks difficult. You can easily vaccinate people outside your system. “
Phase 1A Vaccine plans include risky healthcare professionals, first-time responders, and care facility residents and staff. The first phase of Washington’s plan includes more than 500,000 people.
DOH New tool This allows residents to determine the eligibility of the COVID-19 vaccine. PhaseFinder Users can conduct a survey to determine when they can be vaccinated. Currently, this tool only works to determine if people are eligible for Phase 1 of the vaccine program. It will be open to the public on January 18th.
Governor Jay Inslee said some of the COVID-19 restrictions in Washington would be relaxed starting next week, and the state would move its reopening plan from a county-based surveillance system to a region-focused system.
The governor held a press conference on Tuesday, announcing his “healthy Washington” plan, stating that all regions would begin in Phase 1 of the new plan.
Mr Insley said Tuesday that new state guidelines would come into effect on January 11, including “a small resumption of some state-wide activities.”
Inslee said live entertainment and fitness programs with very tight capacity limits will be allowed.
Also, instead of treating each of Washington’s 39 counties individually, the state divides them into eight geographic regions based on the resources of the healthcare system when considering virus monitoring.
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