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Independent Oversight Committee of World Polio Eradication Initiative, 19th Report-Pakistan

Independent Oversight Committee of World Polio Eradication Initiative, 19th Report-Pakistan


The world is waiting

19th Report December 2020


In summary, the IMB reports on the 17th (November 2019) and the 18th (July 2020) show that: A deep-seated, long-standing, uncontrollable barrier to polio eradication. Deterioration of the epidemiological situation of wild poliovirus in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Outbreak of vaccine-derived poliovirus affecting more than 20 countries. It also failed to create or implement an innovative solution that matches the complexity of the problem. Prior to the 16th IMB (October 2018) report, an individual field review by experts in polio endemic countries raised widespread concerns about the suitability of the polio program for its purposes.

The problem diagnosis and message from this careful scrutiny by the IMB doubts where the strategic actions of GPEI and national leaders need to be focused over several meetings and after a thorough visit to an independent country. Leaving little room for. In addition, it is in perfect agreement with the content of previous IMB reports and the frustration and views of key stakeholders in polio eradication and experienced expert observers of polio programs.

The root cause of the slump in polio eradication efforts in 2019 and the clear outlook for the barriers facing the program have been blurred and distorted by the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. This was the subject of many of the previous (18th) IMB reports.

The 18th IMB Report presents three strategic challenges facing the polio program.

First, there are still few barriers to the eradication of existing COVID-19 and need to be addressed.

The second is what the polio program looks like or should look like from the COVID-19 crisis. Will it follow the same path to eradication that was previously pursued (ie, delivered primarily vertically), or a transition to integrated delivery (essential childhood vaccination programs)? Is there (as part)?

The third question is how will it affect the eradication of COVID-19 operational constraints and additional budgetary pressures?

Since March 2020, the IMB has heard impressive reports that polio eradication assets have been reused and have been of great help in the fight against pandemics. In fact, many talked about COVID-19 “Silver Lining”. This refers to the much better collaboration of the team and the elimination of many organizational and professional boundaries. Specifically, given the rapid mobilization of the Pakistani government’s response to COVID-19, people are wondering why Pakistan can do it to COVID-19 against polio. I asked if I could do that.

This 19th IMB Report is a series of video conferencing with the GPEI Strategy Committee, regional representatives, donors, a wider range of polio partners, and governments in polio endemic countries, held November 17-19, 2020. Continue to.

After resuming polio eradication activities in the field, we provided an opportunity to evaluate the polio program. Because we are ready to introduce hundreds of millions of new oral polio vaccines to counter the effects of vaccine-derived poliovirus. Before COVID-19 hits the world stage, it begins by reviewing the factors that caused the failed attempts at the strategic level. Because we are taking steps to function within the constraints imposed by the ongoing pandemic threat. And this is all due to unprecedented financial pressure.

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