Health authorities warn ‘wild west’ for blood test for coronavirus without proper management
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Citizens must take care when using Coronavirus Health officials warn about uncontrolled blood tests for many.
As part of an emergency response to the pandemic, the Food and Drug Administration has abandoned its first review of blood tests. More than 70 companies have signed up to sell so-called antibody tests, but their accuracy remains questionable.
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“It’s a wild west show for now,” says Eric Blank of the Public Health Institute. “It caused confusion that would really take some time to clean up.”
“In the meantime, many companies are marketing a lot, and no one knows how good it is,” he said.
Blood tests, unlike nasal swab-based tests currently used to diagnose active infections, instead identify antibodies on blood proteins. This approach is used to identify many diseases, such as HIV, hepatitis, and Lyme disease.
Impact of tests on the resumption of the amide coronavir pandemic in the US economy
“Some companies incorrectly claim that serologic tests are FDA-approved or licensed, or can diagnose COVID-19,” said FDA’s Dr. Stephen Hahn. Said in a press release. “FDA will take appropriate action against companies that make accurate, unreliable, false claims and marketing tests.”
Hahn is FDA approves one blood test for use in clinical laboratory.
Dr. Allison Lakeman of the NYC’s Institute of Public Health explains that false tests can mistakenly believe that people are immune or no longer spreading the virus.
“Afterwards, someone goes home and kisses her 90-year-old grandmother,” Lakeman said. “I don’t want to give someone a false sense of security.”
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Health professionals have no agreement on what percentage of carriers of the coronavirus are asymptomatic. From 25 50%.
A source in Laredo, Texas, reported earlier this month that approximately 2,500 antibody tests configured for use on a local drive-through test site are likely to be fraudulent. City officials have ordered a local clinic to say “FDA-approved COVID-19 rapid test” but later confirmed that the accuracy of the test was significantly below the promised range. discovered.
“ If you find them on the Internet, don’t buy them until you can provide a reliable test for all Americans, ” said Dr. Deborah Barks, coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Headquarters in a recent briefing. I said.
Companies strive to perform the right tests quickly, but face many “red tapes” to get the right approval.
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Dr. Stephen McColgan, Chief Medical Officer of California-based Vivera Pharmaceuticals,Tucker Carlson Tonight“On Wednesday, a quick antibody test for his company Ready for 3 weeks.
“As you know, the tapes of the FDA and President Trump are trying to get through it,” McColgan said. “As you know, it’s always like government red tape moving slowly.”
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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