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COVID-19 can cause severe brain damage, revealed at autopsy

COVID-19 can cause severe brain damage, revealed at autopsy


COVID-19 is persistently infecting many people, and scientists are scrutinizing the autopsy exposure of the “strange and horrific damage” that the disease can cause to the human body.

Since the outbreak of this pandemic, the following have been known: COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears It causes havoc beyond the respiratory system, causing gastrointestinal conditions, cardiac dysfunction, and blood clotting.

Now, a year after the global health crisis, autopsy of COVID-19 patients shows details of more common inflammation and damage in brain tissue.

This may help explain the flood of neurological symptoms that occur in some patients, from headaches, amnesia, dizziness, weakness, illusions to more serious conditions such as strokes and seizures. There is.

Age of Science-COVID-19 reveals severe damage that can cause the human brain, autopsy

(Photo: Silvio Avila / Getty Images)
A year after the global health crisis, autopsy of patients with COVID-19 revealed more common inflammation and damage in brain tissue.

Read again: COVID-19 mutations are not fatal, but can contribute to increased mortality

Neurological symptoms

ScienceAlert Up to 50% of hospital captivity with COVID-19 “may show neurological symptoms” and patients may have difficulty participating in even common routine tasks such as preparing meals There is also a report that.

They were completely surprised, according to Ravindra Nath, a doctor and clinical director of the National Institutes of Health. Initially, NIH officials added that “damage due to lack of oxygen was expected.”

Instead, they usually saw “multiple injuries” associated with stroke and neuroinflammatory disorders.

Researcher NIH (National Institutes of Health) (# Add parentheses when first appearing if there is no character limitNath and physician Myoung-Hwa Lee conducted a detailed examination of the brain tissue of 19 dead COVID-19 patients.

The ages of the above patients ranged from 5 to 73 years, many of whom had risk factors for severe COVID-19 infection, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Detected brain abnormalities

Lee and his team used a powerful MRI microscope to identify 10 patients with brain abnormalities. For a more detailed analysis under the microscope, seeHigh signal, ”Bright spots seen in micrograph images of brain samples. Fluorescence microscopy has shown that fibrinogen, a type of blood protein, is leaking.

T cells, and specialized immune cells in the brain called microglia, surrounded the hyperintensity of many patients. Dark areas of coagulated bleeding were also detected.

With such detections, the authors of the study concluded that the aforementioned patients experienced “multiple mini-cerebral hemorrhage.” This is usually the type of disorder associated with inflammation of the brain.

According to Eggplant, “a very small blood vessel in the brain was leaking.” “It wasn’t uniform. There are small blood vessels here, and there will be small blood vessels,” he added.

Experts explained that it was not only people who were ill enough to require intensive care that had neurological symptoms due to COVID-19.

In September, Benedict Michael, a neurologist at the University of Liverpool, described this “group of young people without traditional risk factors suffering from stroke” and “an acute change in mental state” not otherwise explained. ” He told Nature that he had seen a patient with him.

Age of Science-COVID-19 reveals severe damage that can cause the human brain, autopsy

(Photo: Wikimedia Commons Wei-yuan Huang, Gang Wu, Feng Chen, Meng-meng Li, Jian-jun Li)
Image A shows a CT scan of the brain showing low density in the right frontal lobe of the brain.Image B shows a T1-weighted MRI scan of the same brain showing low intensity of the lesion Image C, a T2-weighted MRI scan of the same brain showing high intensity of the lesion

Traces of brain virus

Other studies have found traces of the virus in the brain, but the levels are low and appear to be rare or rare. So far, Nath has elaborated, and their findings suggest that the disorders they saw may not have been caused by the direct infection of the brain with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. doing.

Instead, such damage is probably due to the body’s inflammatory response to the virus. Due to the small sample size and limited clinical data, the team said they could not yet draw direct conclusions.

However, their results were consistent with the EEG test, indicating impaired normal electrical activity of the brain, which may indicate encephalopathy, swelling and inflammation in COVID-19 patients.

In addition, it is consistent with studies showing that infection stimulates other dangerous immune responses and, in certain situations, can lead to even more danger than the virus itself has directly. This particular study New England Journal of Medicine..

Read next: British scientists trying new drugs to prevent the spread of infections leading to COVID-19

Check out more news and information about COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Science Times.


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