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For the first time, the United States reported more than 4,000 COVID-19 deaths in one day

For the first time, the United States reported more than 4,000 COVID-19 deaths in one day
For the first time, the United States reported more than 4,000 COVID-19 deaths in one day


According to Johns data, the United States reported more than 4,000 COVID-19 deaths on Thursday. This is the most virus-related death in the day since the pandemic began. The daily death from this disease is a record third day. At Hopkins University, the number of infected people exceeded 21.56 million. The latest estimates from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predict that 405,000 to 438,000 people will die by the end of the month. The previous forecast, released on December 30, predicted that up to 424,000 people would die by January 23. Despite the United States’ efforts to distribute the important COVID-19 vaccine, there is a continued spread of the virus and an increase in deaths. It was criticized for being too late. Related video: The United States will soon be vaccinated one million times a day. Surgeon President Jerome Adams said Thursday that states that can be vaccinated beyond Phase 1a recommendations, including healthcare professionals and residents of long-term care facilities, should do so. According to Adams, the guidance provided by the CDC Vaccination Implementation Advisory Board to identify priority groups for vaccination is “recommended, not mandatory.” He shared photos of other groups that identified Phases 1b and 1c, including frontline key workers, people over the age of 75, and people at high risk. Adams’ comments were repeated by Dr. Stephen Stack, Kentucky Health Commissioner. Adhering to the guidelines on who should prioritize vaccines on Thursday “should not interfere” with the facility using all the doses they receive. “Sometimes more than 30% of eligible people refuse vaccination when offered,” Stack said. “You need to be flexible, or you won’t be vaccinated.” “Spontaneous arm shots ultimately have a higher priority than shots with a specific arm alone,” he said. I added. “We’re prioritizing, but we’re focusing on not leaving the vaccine in the freezer. No one helps in the freezer,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said in an interview with NPR. Said it would still take a few weeks. Catch up with previous predictions. But if that doesn’t happen, “then we really need to make some changes to what we’re doing,” he said. Health officials say about 6 million people received the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine, saying the United States was “too promised” about vaccine expectations, with an additional 21.4 million doses promised, according to the CDC. It is far less than the amount. By the end of December, federal Warp Speed ​​operation officials had 40 million doses and were scheduled to receive 20 million doses. “We were too promised as a country and underdelivered,” Dr. Stack said in a briefing, adding that he received only one-third of what the state expected. “By just predicting a realistic amount, the public would have realized that this was a drawback-it was an incredible achievement to take so many vaccines so fast.” Pennsylvania Dr. Rachel Levin, director of state health, explained that he had examined the dose of vaccine that the state would receive “a week or two ago.” However, the amount actually transported often varies slightly from variable to variable. Operation Warp Speed ​​needs to be addressed in terms of manufacturing and its availability. “I think it’s important to set unrealistic expectations and not disappoint the general public,” she added. “It can be disillusioned with the program (for the general public).”

The United States reported more than 4,000 COVID-19 deaths on Thursday. This is the most virus-related death the country has seen in the day since the pandemic began.

According to this, this is the third day in a row of record daily deaths from the disease. Data from Johns Hopkins University, The number of infected people has exceeded 21.56 million.

The latest estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predict that 405,000 to 438,000 people will die by the end of the month. The previous forecast, released on December 30, predicted that up to 424,000 people would die by January 23.

Despite the United States’ efforts to distribute the important COVID-19 vaccine, there is a continued spread of the virus and an increase in deaths. This process has been criticized for being too slow.

Related Video: The United States could soon be vaccinated one million times a day

US surgeon General Jerome Adams said Thursday that states (including health care workers and residents of care facilities) that can vaccinate beyond Phase 1a recommendations should do so.

“The state should not only actively expand vaccination to other phases, but also aggressively if current supply exceeds Phase 1a demand,” he said. The surgeon general said On Twitter.

According to Adams, the guidance provided by the CDC Vaccination Implementation Advisory Board to identify priority groups for vaccination is “recommended, not mandatory.” He shared photos of other groups that identified Phases 1b and 1c. This includes front-line key workers, people over the age of 75, and people at high risk.

Adams’ comments were repeated by Dr. Stephen Stack, Kentucky Health Commissioner. He said on Thursday that sticking to guidelines on who to prioritize vaccines “should not interfere” with the facility using all the doses they receive.

“Sometimes more than 30% of eligible people refuse vaccination when offered,” Stack said. “You need to be flexible, otherwise you won’t be vaccinated.”

“Spontaneous arm shots ultimately have a higher priority than shots with a specific arm alone,” he added. “We’re prioritizing, but we’re focusing on keeping vaccines out of the freezer. In the freezer, vaccines don’t help anyone for a long time.”

so Interview with NPRDr. Anthony Fauci said the vaccine deployment will still take weeks to catch up with previous predictions. But if that doesn’t happen, he said, “then we really need to make some changes to what we’re doing.”

Health officials say the US is “too promised” about vaccine expectations

According to the CDC, nearly 6 million people have been given the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine, with an additional 21.4 million doses.

This is far below what was promised. Officials from Operation Warp Speed, the federal government, had previously promised that by the end of December, 40 million doses would be distributed and 20 million vaccinations would be given.

“We were too promised as a country and underdelivered,” Dr. Stack said in a briefing, adding that his state received only one-third of what they expected.

“By just predicting a realistic amount, the general public would not have considered this a drawback. We would have seen the surprising result of being able to vaccinate so quickly.”

Dr. Rachel Levin, director of health at the state of Pennsylvania, explained that he had examined the dose of vaccine the state would receive “a week or two ago.”

“But the amount actually shipped often has slightly different results, depending on the variables that Operation Warp Speed ​​has to deal with in terms of manufacturing and the amount they get.”

“I think it’s important to set unrealistic expectations and not disappoint the public,” she added. “It can be disillusioned with the program (for the general public).”


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