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Grandmother, 57, has amputated index finger after manicure leaves her with life-threatening infection


The woman had to cut her fingers after the manicure left her with a life-threatening infection that devoured her “fingers and bones.”

Jose Jackson, 57, had to surgically remove the upper part of his index finger and almost lost her “whole arm” after having a staphylococcal infection.

The infection is caused by staphylococci, and symptoms include hot, swollen skin. If found early, they can be treated with antibiotics.

The two grandmothers were accidentally “jabbed” with a cuticle when they got a set of acrylic nails at a salon in December 2017.

Her fingers continued to swell until it became “purple” and “crying” pus. Jose finally went to the hospital and was consulted.

She claims that when the doctor removed the bandage that had wrapped the finger, her fingers were malformed and looked like “jagged mountains.”

Jose Jackson, 57, had to surgically remove the upper part of his index finger and almost lost her

Jose Jackson, 57, had to surgically remove the upper part of his index finger and almost lost her “whole arm” after having a staphylococcal infection

Doctors had to cut the affected area until the infection was completely gone. Jose (pictured) left with half his finger.

Doctors had to cut the affected area until the infection was completely gone. Jose (pictured) left with half his finger.

Doctors had no choice but to cut the affected area with the infection completely removed and half of the finger left.

She underwent two 1-hour operations in January 2018.

A medical examination revealed that the tools had not been properly cleaned among the customers, and Jose won a further injury settlement.

Although she struggled, she wants to learn to adapt to an order of magnitude less life and raise her awareness of the importance of nail bar cleanliness.

According to Jose, the pub’s manager:

‘My fingertips looked like jagged mountains at first. The infection literally consumed my fingers and bones.

Jose's damaged finger

When the doctor removed the bandage that had wrapped the finger, she claimed that the finger was malformed and looked like “jagged mountains.”

The doctor was unable to preserve the tip of her finger, and Jose was sent to surgery to cut the tip. When the surgeon returned to Jose's consultation, he removed her fingers even more

The doctor was unable to preserve the tip of her finger, and Jose was sent to surgery to cut the tip. When the surgeon returned to Jose’s consultation, he removed her fingers even more

“The doctor removed more than half of my fingers. That was it or I lost my entire arm.

“Without that finger, I can’t grip or raise the button-it has changed the way I do everything. Losing my finger has completely changed my life. “

In December 2017, Jose booked a nail salon and got a set of acrylic nails. During treatment, a nail technician “rubbed” Jose’s nail bed with a cuticle pusher tool.

Despite the discomfort, Jose did not want to make a fuss, so completed the set.

The following week, she noticed that her fingers had started to “swollen” and turned “purple”.

She made an appointment for her own GP and checked her things. The situation continued to worsen despite the doctor sending out Jose with antibiotics.

Jose’s fingers continued to deteriorate until she suffered. She returned to the GP, prompting her to remove the dressing and go to the hospital immediately.

X-rays revealed the extent of the damage when she arrived.

Although she struggled, she wants to learn to adapt to an order of magnitude less life and raise her awareness of the importance of nail bar cleanliness.

Although she struggled, she wants to learn to adapt to an order of magnitude less life and raise her awareness of the importance of nail bar cleanliness.

“The infection literally devoured my fingers and bones,” she said.

Jose has been diagnosed with a “staphylococcal infection”. It is an infection caused by staphylococci entering the skin through the cut.

The doctor was unable to save the tip of her finger, and in January 2018 Jose was sent to surgery to cut the tip.

After overcoming the shock, Jose suspected that the infection had resulted from her visit to a nail salon. Six weeks after the operation she contacted her local health inspector to check the bar.

They concluded that the tools used on the nails were not sanitized between uses, and Jose contacted a lawyer who helped seek compensation for her bar.

She won an out-of-court settlement and received a five-digit payment.

Jose said: ‘I got a health inspector to check it because I was afraid it might happen to someone else. I ended up winning compensation, but it doesn’t feel like a victory, it doesn’t take my finger back.


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