UK NHS staff will be offered the Covid vaccine in the coming weeks | World News
all NHS With growing anxiety and absenteeism from frontline workers, health and social care staff are offered the Covid vaccine as an “immediate” and “important” priority.
In today’s announcement, the NHS England The hospital played a leading role in vaccination of millions of staff, most of whom should have been vaccinated by early February.
The move raises concerns that some of the NHS are nearing collapse as a result of coronavirus infections and a surge in inpatients, exacerbated by a record number of workers ill and self-isolated. It happens in. ..
Following harsh warnings from chief health officers in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on Monday, “Many parts of the health care system in the four countries are already under great pressure. NHS continues to sustain cases. We are not confident that we will be able to cope with this increase, and without further action, there is a significant risk that NHS will be overwhelmed in some regions over the next 21 days. “
The new effort to immunize approximately 3 million healthcare and social care staff across the UK means that Pfizer / BioNTech or Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccines will need to be delivered by mid-February at the latest.
Frontline personnel who work closely with Covid patients, such as intensive care units, A & E departments, and patients in the ward where confirmed cases are treated, are first vaccinated.
In a letter to NHS Trusts and general practitioners across the UK, three key NHS England officials said, “There is an urgent requirement to vaccinate front-line health care workers and social welfare workers, and prevention. We ensure maximum vaccination uptake and timely and equitable access between staff groups. ” “It’s time to vaccinate health care workers and caregivers in line with the priorities of the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization.”
Recognizing the need for this move to ensure the maximum number of staff available for the NHS Service, he added: “This is important to ensure the protection of healthcare professionals, patients and the general public when Covid-19 is under pressure. Health and care are enhanced.”
The announcement, in a survey of health and social care managers, leaves a big hole in the workforce as Covid’s absence of staff due to illness and isolation puts an unprecedented burden on services due to the recurrence of the illness. It was done because it turned out.
Of the 82 managers surveyed, nearly one-third (32%) said staff absenteeism reached at least 12%, and one-fifth (20%) said they reached more than 15%. I did. Almost two-thirds said absenteeism was worse or much worse than usual.
In response to the NHS staff becoming Jab’s top priority, Dr. Samantha Bat Roden, President of the British Medical Association, said: “We couldn’t make this announcement for front-line staff who endanger their lives every day to keep their patients safe. It came soon.
“Trageously, Covid has lost a lot of health care workers in the UK. Frontline NHS and caregivers must be absolutely protected as a priority and are pleased to see this announcement. I will. “
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