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New concealment fears due to Chinese authorities deleting data on Wuhan Institute

New concealment fears due to Chinese authorities deleting data on Wuhan Institute


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The Chinese government is facing new condemnation of cover-ups after authorities have deleted important online data about a laboratory suspected of being the source of Covid-19.

An email on Sunday can reveal that hundreds of pages of information related to the research conducted by the top secret Wuhan Institute of Virginology have been wiped out.

Details of more than 300 studies, published online by the state-owned National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), including many research diseases transmitted from animals to humans, are no longer available.

Standing in the room: Wuhan-based scientist Shi Zhengli is famous for her trip to collect samples in a Chinese bat cave

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Wuhan-based scientist Shi Zhengli is famous for her trip to collect samples in a Chinese bat cave.

The removal of important evidence has rekindled fear that China is trying to whiten its investigation into the origin of the virus.

It is after investigators from the World Health Organization was prevented from entering the country in the last week, the movement that Xi Jinping president has caused international condemnation. Meanwhile, state media have published hundreds of articles claiming that the virus did not occur even in Wuhan.

All references made by Wuhan-based virologist Shi Zhengli, who earned the nickname Batwoman for traveling to collect samples in a bat cave, as part of the NSFC’s removal of an online survey. It was deleted.

Large building with mountain background: P4 laboratory of Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China

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P4 Institute of Wuhan Virus Institute in Wuhan, Central Hubei Province, China

There are also no key studies to investigate the source of the virus, such as studies on the risk of interspecific transmission from bats by coronaviruses such as bats, and studies on human pathogens carried by bats.

Last night, former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith, a member of China’s policy alliance with China, said Sunday’s revelation email was another example of China’s cover-up.

“China is clearly trying to hide the evidence,” he added. “It’s important to do a thorough investigation of what happened, but China seems to be doing everything it can to stop it.

“I don’t know what was happening in that lab. It may be common for them to mess with the bat coronavirus and make some mistakes. Unless China is exposed to scrutiny, the world Would assume they have something to hide.

This is not the first time China has been accused of suppressing important evidence of the origin of the virus.

A few days before Wuhan was warned of an outbreak of SARS-like pneumonia in December 2019, the Wuhan Institute of Virology began modifying its database of viral pathogens.

The wildlife-borne viral pathogen database was unique in that it contained information about viral variants in other wildlife.

Keywords such as “wildlife” and “wildlife” have been removed in changes that experts believe have been made to keep investigators away from the scent.

The title has changed from the Wildlife Vector Virus Pathogen Database to the Bat and Rodent Animal Vector Pathogen Database. The term “wildlife” has been replaced by “bats and rodents” or “bats and rats.”

Other terms that connect the database to the outbreak have also been cleared. In the original version, “emerging infectious diseases” and “heterogeneous infections” were used.

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