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How are cases spreading in the UK and how are you trying to slow them down?
Of the 315 regions of England, 309 (98%) had an increased case rate and 6 (2%) had a decrease.
London continues to have the highest case rates in the region, which continues to grow. The proportion of new cases in the capital was 904.8 per 100,000 in the seven days from 864.6 last week to January 3.
The second highest rate rose from 606.3 to 737.8 in eastern England, followed by 511.2 to 654.8 in southeast England.
The Yorkshire and the Humber rate was the lowest, rising from 198.1 to 294.6.
The highest case rate in the age group was 20-29 years, with 842.5 cases per 100,000 in the 7 days until January 3.
Britain The first Western countries to start receiving the coronavirus vaccine, And currently nearly 1.5 million people are vaccinated. This includes over 650,000 people over the age of 80, which is 23 percent of the UK over the age of 80.
The government hopes that mass vaccination will help delay infection rates, especially among vulnerable older people.
After approval by UK regulators Mass deployment of Covid-19 vaccine Beginning December 8th, a 90-year-old grandmother from Coventry became the first person to receive a Pfizer jab.
The UK has secured 40 million doses of Pfizer vaccine as a whole, and two doses are more than 90% effective in preventing Covid-19.
The Oxford vaccine was also approved by MHRA on December 30th, and vaccine deployment began on January 4th.
The government is aiming for 2 million people to receive the first dose of either the Oxford vaccine or Pfizer Jab within two weeks as part of a significant enhancement of the vaccination program.
Telegraph You can also disclose it Mass vaccination centers in sports stadiums and conference halls are ready to launch In the second week of January.
An army of over 10,000 healthcare workers and volunteers has been hired by the NHS Supporting the provision of Oxford Covid-19 vaccine..
In a statement, Health Minister Matt Hancock said: Helping protect countless people from this terrible disease, at a low cost in the world.
“This is a homage to the wonderful British scientists at Oxford University and AstraZeneca. Their breakthroughs will help save lives around the world. Everyone who participated in this British success story. Hopefully everyone will continue to play their part in reducing infections. “
Johnson has promised that the NHS will provide vaccination to all of the top four priority groups by February 15.
To help reach this goal, he said, there are already 595 GP-led sites offering vaccines, and an additional 180 will be up and running later this week. There are 107 more 100 hospital sites later this week.
But what about new stocks?
In a speech to the Commons on December 14, the Minister of Health A new variant of the coronavirus It has been identified in London and England, which is causing a rapid increase in cases in southeast England.
In the UK, there has been a “relative increase” in this new variant in all regions, Professor Whitti said. It means that it is “spread all over the country.”
The surges were in the east, southeast and London, but “currently taking off in other areas,” he said at a press conference on January 5.
However, Hancock says the new variant is “very unlikely” to cause more serious illness or endanger the vaccine.
read more: What exactly is a Pfizer vaccine, who gets it, and is it safe?
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