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Study: Dissociation of Covid-19 severity and respiratory complications


A study published online in the American Thoracic Society’s Annals investigates whether later respiratory problems, malaise, and poor health are associated with the initial severity of the Covid-19 virus.

Lung health after infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, and subsequent respiratory problems, malaise, and poor health affect the initial severity of the disease and its effects. Little is known about whether it is related.

“Persistent deterioration of health after Covid-19 is not associated with respiratory complications or severity of early illness,” Liam Townsend, MD and co-authors of 153 patients followed in an outpatient clinic. We examined some measurements of recovery in patients with. Median 75 days after diagnosis of Covid-19.

Dr. Townsend of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Medicine, St. James Infirmary, Trinity Translational Medicine Institute at Trinity College Dublin, said: Ireland. “But these symptoms appeared to be independent of the severity of the initial infection or a single measurement at the time of outpatient appointment.”

Dr. Townsend et al. Assessed the severity of the patient’s initial infection (1) as not requiring hospitalization. (2) Hospitalization required, or (3) ICU care required. Almost half (74) of these patients required hospitalization during acute infection.

Researchers investigated the association between the patient’s initial illness and abnormal chest x-rays, a 6-minute gait test distance (the patient walked at a normal pace for 6 minutes), and perception of maximum movement during follow-up appointments. I did. .. Patients were also asked if they felt tired and if they thought they had returned to full health. Those responses were evaluated using a validated scale.

The research team also examined participants’ chest x-rays to detect persistent infections or severe scarring (fibrosis) and performed CT imaging on patients with abnormal chest x-rays. Blood tests were done to measure indicators of the disease, such as C-reactive protein, which increases with inflammation in the body. Statistical analysis was performed.

“We were surprised at our findings. We expected an increase in the number of abnormal chest x-rays. Also, ongoing unhealthy and abnormal findings measurements are associated with the severity of early infections. I expected it, but it wasn’t, “Dr. Townsend said.

The author’s findings are that Covid-19 does not cause significant fibrosis, and CT scans of only 4% of study participants show lung scarring, following early abnormal X-ray detection in a larger group. It suggests that.

62% of patients felt they had not returned to full health and 47% were classified as tired. Patients who felt they had to exercise during moderate exercise also reported feeling tired and unwell. Patient length of stay and frailty were associated with shorter distances covered by gait tests.

“These findings affect clinical care in that they demonstrate the importance of following up on all patients diagnosed with Covid-19, regardless of the severity of the initial infection. Who It is not possible to predict whether it will show ongoing symptoms, “Dr. Townsend said.

This story was published from the Wire Agency Feed without changing the text



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