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NB COVID-19 Summary: 21 new cases reported on Monday, 2 schools transition to virtual learning

NB COVID-19 Summary: 21 new cases reported on Monday, 2 schools transition to virtual learning


Public health reported 21 new cases of COVID-19 in New Brunswick on Monday, reporting the most active cases overall since the pandemic began.

Dr. Jennifer Russell, Chief Health Officer, had 204 active cases, one hospitalized, and 1,700 Newbrands Wicker at a COVID-19 briefing live streamed Monday afternoon. Said to be self-isolated.

The 21 new cases announced on Monday are:

4 cases including Moncton area, Zone 1,

  • 20-29 individuals; and

Fredericton Region, Zone 3, 7 Cases Including:

  • Individuals under the age of 19.
  • Individuals 60-69, and

Edmanston Region, Zone 4, 6 Cases Including:

  • 3 people 50-59; and

Campbellton area, Zone 5, 4 cases including:

  • Individuals under the age of 19.
  • 30-39 individuals; and

Two schools moving to virtual learning on Tuesday

Dominique Cardy, Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, said at a COVID-19 briefing on Monday as the two Woodstock schools transitioned to virtual learning on Tuesday.

Positive cases were announced at school over the weekend — three cases at Woodstock High School and one case at Townsview.

According to Cardy, the two schools set up “operational days” on Monday, with students staying home while school staff were preparing for distance learning.

Students from both schools will start studying from home on Tuesday and will continue to study remotely for the rest of the week.

“We’ve always said we wouldn’t hesitate to move to home study when the need is identified, but we can’t make these decisions lightly,” Cardy said.

Schools in northern New Brunswick also confirmed the incident news on Monday.

As a precautionary measure, Dalhausie’s École Auxquatre vents states on its Facebook page that students will effectively study on Monday.

The high school said in French, “I’ll let you know the situation all day long.”

The case was confirmed on Saturday.

As a result, more than 1,000 students in the Woodstock area were quarantined on weekends.It was lifted late Sunday night, but students Learn from home at least until Friday..

Contact tracing is also underway in the Campbellton area after two schools confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Saturday.

According to Public Health, one case was identified in both Académie Notre-Dame in Dalhausie and Polyvalente Roland-Pépin in Campbellton.

École Auxquatrevents de Dalhousie presented a confirmed case of COVID-19 at school over the weekend. (Dal Housey Four Winds School / Facebook)

For schools in the Campbellton area, only schools contacted by public health need to be quarantined.

Garderie Tic Tac Toe, a day care center in Dalhausie, also reported one case.

Dr. Jennifer Russell, New Brunswick’s Chief Health Officer, and Minister of Education Dominic Cardy will speak at a press conference at 2:30 pm in Fredericton.

5 confirmed in Tobique First Nations

The Chief said there were five confirmed cases of COVID-19 at Toby’s First Nations near Perth-Andover.

First Nations went into the red on Friday after two cases of the virus were confirmed.

“Everyone did a good job according to the rules, and everyone knows how serious it is,” said Chief Ross Parley.

“We are sticking together as a community.”

Prime Minister Ross Parley said Tobeek First Nations has moved into the red due to the large number of elderly and vulnerable people living in the community. (Logan Perley / CBC)

Checkpoints have been set up around First Nations to keep all unimportant visitors away. Community members can leave twice a day for essentials and medical appointments.

Perley said there was a lot of anxiety and fear in the community, but it was important to take action.

“We have a high percentage of the elderly [people] In the community. “

Over the weekend, further testing and contract tracking took place.

The chief is also expected to meet with Dr. Jennifer Russell, Chief Medical Officer of Health in New Brunswick, on Tuesday to discuss vaccine deployments.

“Given that we are a priority group, we hope to have a clear image of the timeline on how the state will deploy vaccination for the indigenous peoples of this state.” He said.

44 new cases announced over the weekend

The New Brunswick Public Health Service reported 14 new cases on Sunday and 30 on Saturday, bringing the total number of active cases to 184.

The new cases reported on Sunday are:

  • 4 people in Zone 2 (St. John area): 2 people aged 30-39. Individuals in their 40s. And an individual in the 80’s.
  • Five cases in Zone 3 (Fredericton area): 2 people under 19 years old. Individuals in their 20s. Two people aged 30 to 39.
  • Three cases in Zone 4 (Edmanston region): two people aged 20-29. And an individual in his 50s.
  • One case in Zone 5 (Campbellton area): An individual in his 50s.
  • One case in Zone 6 (Bathurst area): An individual in his twenties.

There are 59 activities in the Fredericton region, 47 in the Moncton region, 37 in the St. John region, 19 in the Edmundston region, 21 in the Campbellton region, and 1 in the Bassert region.

The Miramichi region (Zone 7) is the only part of the state with no confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Dr. Jennifer Russell, Chief Health Officer, said public health is focused on reducing COVID-19 infections in the Woodstock area. (New Brunswick Government)

Mayor Arthur Slip says Dr. Jennifer Russell, director of health at New Brunswick, will meet with local government leaders to discuss preventing further expansion after four cases have been confirmed at Woodstock’s school. Said.

He also encourages residents to download the COVID-19 Alerts app to prevent further outbreaks.

Residents retested at Parkland Riverview

Residents of Parkland Riverview will be retested on Tuesday after a confirmed case was announced at an elderly home last week.

Lisa Snodgrass, a specialist in clinical practice and infection prevention and management at Shannex, said residents were tested last week and each test returned negative.

“We don’t want to miss a chance,” she said.

If the test returns negative again, Snodgrass said he would discuss with public health to see if the facility could lift the restrictions.

Currently, residents remain in their rooms and can virtually only interact with family and friends.

Staff enter the room with personal protective equipment that needs to be replaced with each resident visit.

Snodgrass said the infected employee is working in Canterbury Hall and is on track.

Exposure notification

Public health has identified positive cases of travelers who may have been infected during their next flight.

  • January 1-Air Canada Flight 8910 from Toronto to Moncton Departs at 8:30 AM

Public health has also identified potential public exposure in the following locations:

  • Body Dolly’s Lounge, 295 Collishaw St., 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm on 31st December and 1st January (285 Collishaw St. in Moncton)
  • Miscubi pool hall, 495 Mountain Rd. , Moncton, December 31st 11pm to January 1st 1:30 am
  • Walmart, 4 Jagoe St., Atholville, December 30th, 10:30 am to 3:30 pm, and December 31st, 11am to 4pm
  • Moncton squash club, 71 Essex St., December 29th, 30th, 31st 9 am-5pm
  • Foggerz Five-O-SixWoodstock’s e-cigarette store has been closed due to possible COVID-19 infection.

If you are in any of these locations and have no symptoms of COVID-19, self-monitor and follow all public health guidelines. If you are experiencing mild to moderate symptoms of COVID-19 and do not need to talk to your nurse, complete your self-assessment and take the test.

What to do if you have symptoms

People who are worried that they may have symptoms of COVID-19 Take a self-assessment test online..

Public health says it contains symptoms exhibited by people with COVID-19:

  • Fever of 38 ° C or higher.

  • A new or worsening chronic cough.

  • sore throat.

  • Runny nose.

  • headache.

  • A new onset of malaise, muscle aches, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell.

  • Dyspnea.

Children’s symptoms also include purple markings on the fingers and toes.

People with any of these symptoms should do the following:

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