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Vaccine Program Scheduled for Saturday on Mobile | Coronavirus COVID-19 News


Mobile, Alabama (WALA) – Health officials in Mobile County said they are planning a COVID-19 vaccination program on Monday and Saturday amid a significant overload of telephone lines.

The Mobile County Health Department said it would provide details later in the week. However, the ministry’s top epidemiologist, Rendy Murfrey, said the first-come-first-served event wasn’t for everyone, only for healthcare professionals, first-time responders, and people over the age of 75. He said he was.

The state set up a hotline last week, which was overwhelming. At last, more than 1.3 million people have called, according to the Alabama Public Health Service. State officials said they had thousands of appointments, a number that is constantly changing.

At her briefing on Monday, Murfrey urged people to use their discretion when calling the hotline.

“Don’t call that number unless you’re a healthcare provider, first responder, or over 75,” she said. “Also, don’t call your local hospital and try to get vaccinated, because they are now overwhelmed by the phone and it’s hard to just get a call from the patient population. So I I understand how frustrating it is. “

Alabama Governor Kay Ivy expressed similar sentiment on Monday, telling reporters that the supply of vaccines was simply below demand.

“It just requires patience, yes,” she said.

Strong interest in vaccines has come amid an unprecedented outbreak of viruses locally and nationwide. State and mobile county health officials have both released new records of hospitalized COVID-19 patients.

“We are definitely here in an unprecedented sea,” she said.

According to Murfrey, mobile intensive care units are full and hospitals are facing a shortage of treatments that have proven to be effective against the virus.

On Sunday, 263 people from COVID-19 were in the mobile hospital. The county set a new daily record for seven consecutive days.

“We are very short of adult ICU beds …. I’ve heard that many local hospitals are calling for transfers to our hospitals and they can’t accept them,” she said. Told.

As vaccination extends to the general public, mobile hospitals say they have not yet completed the distribution of the vaccine to employees who want it.

Studies show that a significant number of people, including many healthcare professionals, are sick of vaccines. However, flooded telephone lines are still a testament to strong demand.

Experts argue that even people who are infected with the new coronavirus and have recovered from the disease need to be vaccinated because they can get the disease multiple times and potentially spread it. doing.

However, Dr. Karen Landers, assistant director of state health, told FOX10 News that these people should not be vaccinated immediately.

“We are aware that immunity to this virus, innate immunity, is significantly reduced,” she said. “But given the current supply, people infected with COVID should wait about 90 days before being vaccinated to give others who are not sick the opportunity to be vaccinated. “

Murfrey encouraged patience. She said Operation Warp Speed ​​is more focused on development than distribution.

“Trillions of dollars have been invested in federal money and warp speed to rush towards vaccine development,” she said. “Yes, I expected it to be available sometime in 2021, but there wasn’t much federal funding sent to the state to provide these vaccines, so we’re trying to find a solution. I’m doing my best. “

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All Content © 2021, WALA; Mobile, Alabama. (Meredith Corporation Station). all rights reserved.


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