With Covid-19, nearly half of ICU staff “have mental health problems”
A study from Kings College London, published in the journal Occupational Medicine, found that mental health deterioration was common among intensive care unit (ICU) staff and was more nursing than ward doctors and health care workers. It turns out that the teacher is more prominent.
In this survey, 709 healthcare professionals in nine UK ICUs completed an anonymous web-based survey in June and July 2020.
About 291 (41%) of the staff were doctors, 344 (49%) were nurses, and 74 (10%) were other medical staff.
More than half (59%) reported good health, but 45% had at least one of severe depression (6%), PTSD (40%), and severe anxiety (11%). One condition met the threshold of clinical significance. Or a drunken problem (7%).
One in eight staff members (13%) reported that they often thought they should have died or hurt themselves in the last two weeks.
Professor Neil Greenberg, lead author of the Kings Institute of Psychiatry, said:
“The severity of the symptoms we have identified is likely to impair the ability of some ICU staff to provide quality care, as well as adversely affect their quality of life.
“The high mortality rate of Covid-19 patients admitted to the ICU is a very difficult stress factor, coupled with communication difficulties and providing adequate end-of-life support to patients and their relatives due to restricted visits. Very likely it was. For all staff working at ICU. “
PTSD is caused by stressful, frightening, or painful events, and symptoms include repeated nightmares and flashbacks.
According to the latest data available, the 2004 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, 4% of the general population is PTSD-positive, rising to 13% of young women aged 16-24.
About 6% had anxiety disorders and 4% had depression.
Professor Greenberg said the results of his new study were not surprising, but “now protect the mental health of ICU workers to ensure they can provide them with important care. It should serve as a clear reminder to NHS managers of their urgent need. “I need it.”
“Protecting the mental health of healthcare professionals during a Covid-19 pandemic will enable staff to sustainably provide quality care to a large number of patients with serious Covid-19 illnesses. . “
Researchers in this treatise, including experts at University College London and Oxford University, said further research is needed now.
They said self-reported questionnaires could overestimate the proportion of clinically relevant mental health symptoms.
Dame Donna Kinnair, Chief Executive Officer of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), said: “The unprecedented demand for nursing staff during a pandemic has had a major impact on their own well-being.
“The nurse I talk to every day says there is no fuel left in the tank and elasticity is being seriously tested.
“It’s important that it’s available when and where you need help, and that managers encourage and support staff for help.
“Nursing staff need help right now to deal with unimaginable levels of anxiety and stress, but they also need long-term plans to address problems that can recur over the years, such as PTSD. . “
An NHS spokeswoman said: , Trauma and addiction.
“The general public can also help doctors and nurses by reducing pressure on the hospital and saving lives by following the“ hands, space, face ”guidance. “
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