COVID’s new “silent” surge blocks 22 million people
Chinese officials are increasingly concerned about the marked increase in coronavirus cases in the country, forcing 22 million people into a new blockade.
The big concern is that many incidents are relatively close to Beijing and its 21 million inhabitants.
103 new on Monday Coronavirus Cases were reported in mainland China, This is the first time the country has seen a three-digit increase in cases every day for five months... If it quadruples in mid-October, the average number of cases for 7 days.
The recent surge seems to be driven primarily by so-called “silent infections” (asymptomatic spreads) in rural areas. Outbreaks are labeled “severe” and “complex.”
It comes the same World Health Organization (WHO) officials will arrive in the country for investigation Cause of a pandemic.
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Outbreaks are occurring throughout 2020 in China after the first wave. However, virus watchers have two major fears about new infections.
First, it appears to be caused by a more contagious strain of coronavirus. Second, the Chinese New Year celebration is imminent, with hundreds of millions of people returning to their families. In many cases, they gather in rural areas throughout the country.
It is estimated that there could be about 400 million train trips in China during the holidays beginning in early February. It was expected that more than 10 million Chinese would board long-distance trains every day during the New Year.
There is concern that COVID-19 may be picked up and returned to the big city.
You are urged not to go home during the holidays. However, many Chinese were detained during Chinese New Year 2020 and want to meet their loved ones.
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“Silent” surge
Chinese article Global Times According to newspapers, the country is facing an increase in outbreaks focusing on Hebei province, which surrounds Beijing, and Heilongjiang province, which is in the northeastern part of the country.
“Chinese health experts say that the coronavirus epidemic appears to be more infectious and contagious, making asymptomatic infections, especially asymptomatic infections in villages, a new and major challenge for China. I warned that there was, “the article said.
The virus spreads quietly and is said to have been asymptomatic until the disease subsided.
“Asymptomatic infections can cause epidemics because they depend on how quickly they find their silent virus carriers,” said Wu Zunyo, chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Stated.
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The current number of cases is much lower than the initial wave height, which was standard at 5,000 cases per day nationwide, and 14,000 people in China were diagnosed in mid-February.
But nevertheless, it is worried about the authorities.
In frank comments from the media under the supervision of the Communist Party, Global Times “Silent infection was a major problem facing China,” he said, as he did not have the ability to regularly test people who were asymptomatic or not in the high-risk category.
Efforts to detect the virus have also been hampered by more restricted access to health care in rural areas.
“Weak and slow COVID-19 responses at the grassroots level, including failure of monitoring and reporting systems in the village, have caused recent domestic cluster infections,” the newspaper said.
Status of “GRIM”
The· China Daily Hebei said the situation was “complex and harsh” and that the incidents in the surrounding area now date back to the outbreak in Shijiazhuang.
In that city 11 million people are trapped 22 million people in Hebei province as a whole.
“Decisive steps should be taken to prevent further epidemics in Beijing and its surrounding areas, officials said at a meeting on Monday night.” China Daily..
However, health officials are bullish and can survive the outbreak within a month.
There was a lot of debate in China Variants of so-called British diseases that can be up to 70% more infectious..
It’s no longer deadly, but the vast number of people catching it in the UK has created more serious cases and immense pressure on hospitals.
There is still no confirmation that the current outbreak in China is related to Europe.
Scientist from WHO will arrive in China on Thursday to begin investigating the origin of COVID-19...
However, the Associated Press reports that China has tight control over all research on the origin of the coronavirus, and WHO scientist visits are tightly controlled by Beijing.
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