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Niagara has not gained a fair share of the vaccine after the batch of moderna was sent elsewhere: health authorities


We are writing to seek your urgent help.

Niagara received the first shipment of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. It’s been a long-awaited day since the first vaccine was given in Ontario on December 14, 2020. Over the past month, the COVID epidemic in Niagara has become more and more serious and we need your help to claim a fair share of Niagara’s vaccine.

As doctors and healthcare professionals at the forefront of this nearly year-long battle with the pandemic, we have done everything our colleagues have done to protect the health and safety of the community and the many lives they have saved the most. I would like to recognize the effort. Difficult situation. Today, we are treating 62 COVID-positive patients in hospitals, 12 of whom are in the intensive care unit. In the first week of the new year, we took care of as many as 93 patients in a day at the hospital. Sadly, 90 patients treated with COVID have died, 50 of whom have happened since the second wave began in the fall of 2020.

In addition, Niagara Health is required to manage and protect residents of two long-term sanatoriums. Our team entered these homes at the risk of their health and well-being and provided life-saving assistance to the population. In particular, one of the homes we support has experienced one of the most serious outbreaks anywhere in Ontario, with 96% of the 122 residents of the home tested to be virus-positive. I have. Thirty people were killed and 121 staff were infected.

In short, the virus has a huge impact on our area. Our team is on fire. People are worried about their loved ones and need hope. I hope the vaccine will provide. We are happy to receive the first shipment of Pfizer vaccine, but in reality it is not enough. Immunizing vulnerable people is not enough, and it is not enough to guarantee the continued operation of the hospital system. This is exacerbated by the mysterious diversion of the Moderna vaccine, which would have pervaded the most vulnerable people we care for in Niagara.

It was especially disappointing to see us in Niagara not being treated fairly with the rest of the state. There are 32 long-term care facilities in Niagara and no healthcare professionals. Also, no resident was vaccinated before today. In contrast, Windsor has 19 long-term sanatoriums, all of which have already been vaccinated. The same is true for 28 homes in the York area. This frustration is amplified by regular reports that unqualified individuals under government standards are vaccinated against COVID before those desperately in need of it in Niagara. .. Surprisingly, some people in other jurisdictions received a second Pfizer vaccine before one dose entered our community. Our seniors and healthcare professionals are of better value.

The virus is damaging hospital staff and doctors. More than 220 teammates are COVID positive and nearly 200 need to be quarantined for potential exposure. We admit that the general public sometimes refer to healthcare professionals as heroes, but we are not superhuman. With the spread of the infection, maintaining service and saving lives in hospitals is becoming increasingly difficult. It won’t be long before our system is overwhelmed. The hospital system is currently processing eight units at the time of outbreak, including one in the COVID unit, one in the ICU, and two in the emergency department.

We have worked with our colleagues to provide patient care at the worst moments of suffering and vulnerabilities. We are dedicated to doing everything we can to care for our communities. The government can help us by directing additional vaccines to Niagara. Immunizing health care workers will help protect services in the hospital and continue to provide care to those in need.

Finally, we ask the community and leaders to support this urgent action phrase. Call on the Government of Ontario to increase the Pfizer vaccine allocation to Niagara and restore the improperly taken-up Moderna vaccine allocation. The vaccine can be administered promptly as it is provided. Volunteers are lined up to support this initiative. All you need is a vaccine.

Share our message on social media, ask a friend to write to a state legislature, and ask them to bring our message to the highest levels of government.

Niagara deserves fair treatment and needs additional vaccine as soon as possible.

Sincere thanks,

The Medical Advisory Board (MAC), consisting of Niagara Staff Chiefs and Service Chiefs, and executives of the Medical Staff Association representing the views and interests of all qualified physicians at Niagara Health.

Dr. Johann Billjon, Chief of Staff and EVP Medical

Dr. Don Duval, Dean of Anesthesiology

Dr. Julian Dobranovsky, Chief Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Rafi Setrac, Dean of Emergency Medicine

Dr. Lorraine Jensen, Dean of Medicine

Dr. Maxine Lewis, Head of Mental Health and Addiction

Dr. Karen McMillan, Interim Obstetrics Service Officer

Dr. Olufemi Olufowobi, Head of Interim Gynecology Services

Oncology Dean, Dr. Michael Levesque

Dean of Pediatrics, Dr. Madan Roy

Dr. Satish Chaula, Dean of Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Ian Brown, Director of Surgery

Dr. Maynard Lutherman, President of Medical Staff Association

Dr. Allison McTavish, Vice President of Medical Staff Association

Dr. Adnan Hamed, Treasury, Medical Staff Association

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