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Patients who recover from Covid-19 have antibodies to fight the disease for up to 8 months: Expert


In speculation about the body’s immune response in recovered patients with Covid-19, a new study claims that recovered patients have antibodies to fight the disease for up to eight months, and jabs are also effective. Is giving hope to Indian vaccine makers because it could prove longer, a health expert said on Tuesday.

Until date, the general perception among health fraternities was that defensive immunity was usually seen for 3-5 months and then began to decline. “This is great news because it gives vaccine developers real hope,” Sandeep Nayar, senior director and HOD of chest and respiratory disease at BLK Hospital in western Delhi, told IANS. “Once one or more vaccines are developed, we hope they provide long-term protection against this dreaded disease,” he added.

Researchers in a new study, including Alessandro Sette, a professor at the Lahora Institute for Immunology in the United States, measured antibodies, memory B cells, helper T cells, and killer T cells from Covid-19 blood samples all at the same time. Patients who have recovered.

They learn to fight specific pathogens Responses to the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 from all major players of the “adaptive” immune system last for at least 8 months after the onset of symptoms from the initial infection I discovered that there is a possibility.

“Because of T-cell-mediated immunity, antibodies can produce memory B cells and provide immunity to Covid-19, especially in severe cases,” said Neha Gupta, an infectious disease specialist at Medanta-The Medicine. ..

“With more experience in recovering the Covid-19 virus and the ability to monitor antibody levels over an extended period of time, immunity can last for more than 6 months and in some cases up to a year.” Praveen Gupta, Dean and Head of Neurology at the Fortis Memorial Institute, told IANS.

According to a new study published in the well-known journal Science, the findings show a dramatic reduction in antibodies that fight Covid in the months following infection, with some Covid-19 data from other laboratories. Helps to clarify.

According to researchers, almost all Covid-19 survivors have the immune cells needed to fight reinfection.

“Vaccine research is in its infancy and has so far been associated with strong defenses. We hope that similar patterns of response will occur over the long term for vaccine-induced responses,” the study said. The author, Daniela Weiskov, said. ..

In India, Covid-19 infections currently affect 0.7% of the population and are concentrated in a small number of cities and states, which may prevent them from gaining greater herd immunity from the disease. .. “But noting the fact that Covid-19 is not widespread and causes a lot of mortality in our country, it means that it may be more immune to Covid-19 than many developed countries. “I will,” said Gupta.


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