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Volunteers raise hospitals and spirits in Bergamo, Italy, who have contracted a virus Instant news


When Italy suffers from disasters, Bergamo volunteers are the first to rescue. Now that the disaster has struck the house, the city most affected by the Coronavirus pandemic finds strength in its friendship and distinctive endurance.

On February 19, tens of thousands of people of all ages flocked from the slopes of Bergamo to the regional capital, Lombardy, Milan. They traveled by train, car and bus to the city’s famous San Siro stadium, and they borrowed that night to host one of the biggest games in the history of their games. City Club.

Atalanta fans, “small city clubs” with proud followers and perhaps the most beautiful names in football, are ready to receive the prizes. As the name implies, the Greek goddess known for her deadly speed and beauty, the players are blue and black torn with their most famous Spanish opponents to ensure an exciting victory.

It was the best night before the worst.

The party that followed will be an unpleasant night in Bergamo yesterday. Two days later, the first case of corona virus was reported in Italy, south of Milan. By this time, the virus had spread throughout Lombardy, Italy’s most populous region, ultimately infecting Bergamo and the provinces more difficult than anywhere else.

“It is like another life,” said Nicolas Cattaneo, one of the fans who traveled 50 km to San Siro in February, in what now looks like another life.

Flags of Italy and Atalanta hung in closed shops on the quiet Albino road near Bergamo. © Miguel Medina, Agence France-Presse

A week into the game, Cattaneo’s mother went to the local hospital to treat routine pancreatitis. There he was afflicted with Covid-19, a fatal disease that could continue, according to some estimates, to affect about 300,000 residents of Bergamo County, a quarter of its population. Cattaneo has now gone 48 days without seeing him.

Like other health centers in Lombardy, the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo has become a means of contamination, with patients and medical staff afflicting each other. The need for more beds soon became critical, so when Cattaneo invited volunteers to help build a second hospital, the 37-year-old painter did not think twice.

“I was on the site at 6 am the next morning with dozens of other volunteers. He said hundreds of others would follow,” given the extraordinary collective efforts that helped establish a field hospital within the Bergamo convention center in just 10 days. “It was a great experience,” Cattaneo added. “We are all one big family, working from dawn to dusk for a long time for our lost people and people.”

The “family” includes twenty friends from Cattaneo Nord Curva, one of the main supporters of Atalanta, and a number of electricians, plumbers and other local craftsmen from the well-known Bergamo district, who strive to sing while working all the day. Among them was Claudio Lanfranchi, a self-styled craftsman who spends “14 to 15 hours a day” on the site.

“Everybody in Bergamo knows someone who is dead, and every day people continue to die,” said the owner of the stove shop, whose 20-year-old student also volunteered for the job. “I can do many practical things. If someone like me doesn’t help, who will help?”

“Biological bombs”

For many people outside of Italy, the first sense of the tragedy that occurred in Bergamo and the province appeared through a video that was widely circulated on social media in mid-March. This compares the obituary page of the latest LEEco edition in the local Bergamo newspaper, with that of the previous month. Two-page normal time, this segment swells up to 10.

Then came pictures of coffins lined up in the church due to the lack of space in hospitals and cemeteries, and terrible stories of people dying and mourning in exile, away from their loved ones. Despite local 24-hour cremations, the government was forced to send forces to collect coffins and transport them to other areas, sometimes hundreds of kilometers away.

Marco Del Oro, LEEco’s chief editor in Bergamo, said that locals may never know exactly how many lives they lost from Covid-19. He refers to most of the unspoken massacres in the regional aged care home, where more than one in ten people died, without being tested for the presence of the virus.

“We almost don’t have neighborhood test groups, let alone the dead,” he explained. “For weeks now, Bergamo has buried the dead without knowing exactly what killed them.”

Officially, this virus has killed more than 2,000 people in Bergamo, but experts warn that the actual number of victims is much higher. The newspaper del Oro calculated that the death toll in March was five times compared to the same period last year. He said: “Everyone knows that the virus is responsible, although there is no scientific evidence.”

The endless floods of victims forced the city of Bergamo to send the bodies to the incinerator, sometimes hundreds of kilometers away. © Piero Cruciatti, AFP

Why Lombardi was responsible for more than half of Italy’s deaths – and why the province of Bergamo most affected – was the subject of much controversy. One of the reasons given by the doctors, and the mayor of the city itself, was the football match in San Siro, which a medical official described as a “biological bomb.”

“Just four days after the game, the government announced that all sporting events would be suspended for an indefinite period, to avoid the spread of the disease,” Del Oro recalls. “I remember thinking at the time,” how about 40,000 Atalanta fans gathered in San Siro? What is the difference between four days? ”

The Spanish journalist who will participate in the match will become the second person injured in the Valencia region. And one in three Valencia players, against Atalanta that night, will ultimately be positive for Coved 19. Even the charming captain Atalanta, Papo Gomez, recommended that “everything” will play a soccer match in Milan.

Others blame stubborn business ethics from a token boycott that counts among Italian economic powers. In the early stages of the critical illness outbreak, local officials and businessmen seemed reluctant to lock him up when other parts of Lombardy were closed. “Bergamo does not stop” has become a common motto among companies.

“For several days we were in a state of negligence, hoping that Bergamo would announce a” red zone. “Del Oro said the authorities were still vigilant.” We have paid a very high price for this delay. “

Alpine rescue workers Alpine

Although Bergamo’s resilience could exacerbate the crisis at first, the spirit itself is now helping the boycott find its way out of the abyss.

“We never give up” in the local dialect, said Lanfranchi, citing the city’s unofficial slogan Mola Mia – “We are serious workers and not the type to surrender.” The emblem has been affixed to walls, bridges and shirts, and is now an increasingly popular hashtag sign. It was engraved on a leather bracelet and distributed to the volunteers who helped build the field hospital in a short period of time.

The hospital building was organized by Alpini, which is a historic mountain mountain regiment famous today for volunteering in disaster relief. Famous feather hats are equipment from emergency sites all over Italy, a country that is blessed with more miracles and tormented by natural disasters than in Europe.

“Wherever there are earthquakes or floods, Albini is always there,” Del Oro said, noting that many of the current members and retirees live in Bergamasco. They are used to establishing field hospitals. What they do not expect is arranged at home. “

Work volunteers build a field hospital for Covid-19 patients in Bergamo on March 27, 2020. © Miguel Medina, AFP

While other governments have rushed to build makeshift hospitals to combat the coronavirus pandemic, Bergamo is largely dependent on the resources of its people. Alpini provides high-tech equipment; various local structures equipped with beds, linens and other equipment; residents offer money, skills and work.

Hospital staff has proven to be the hardest part, as the Lombardy health system has already gone and many HIV-positive doctors have gone. However, volunteers began arriving from other regions, including a nurse from remote Umbria with the word that Albini owed “gratitude” because his lands were earthquake four years ago.

At present, the symbolic significance of this movement greatly exceeds the hospital’s practical value.

“This sends a message of hope for the future,” said Cattaneo, a fan of Atalanta, who slept at the nearest base of Albini during construction work. He expressed the hope that “Italy will learn from this experience that we are more united and generous than we thought.”

And Dell’Oro admitted medically that “this facility is of limited use until now”. He added, “But the idea of ​​Bergamo succeeding in building a hospital in just 10 days has taken everyone here.” “It is a source of pride that gives us strength to continue fighting.”

Where the battle will lead is still anyone’s guess. Although Bergamo appears to be placing the worst pandemic behind, the danger of the second wave is high in people’s minds. With factories in the region calming down for more than a month now, the economic costs of viruses – like human costs – are set to be astronomical.

Del Ouro warned that “our lives will definitely change, and there is no going back.” “Who knows when the bar, restaurant and cinema will be reopened? Who knows when Atalanta will play again in a crowded stadium?”


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