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A “moment of pride” for the sector as six community pharmacies become the first pharmacy site to manage Covid-19 Jab-Latest Pharmacy News | Business | Magazine


Six pharmacy sites start vaccination against Covid-19 on Thursday (January 14), including four independent pharmacies in Telford, Macclesfield, Widnes and London and two multiple pharmacies Did.

The pilot, who became the first pharmacy site to have six pharmacies vaccinated against coronavirus as part of the NHS vaccination program, was welcomed as “a moment of pride for regional pharmacies.”

These pharmacies were chosen because they can provide large quantities of vaccines and keep them socially distant.

According to the NHS England, more than 200 regional pharmacies will be vaccinated by the end of the month.

Health Minister Matt Hancock said it was “great” for high street pharmacies to start offering vaccines.

“Pharmacies are central to the community and make a big difference in our deployment program by providing more convenient local locations for those who are eligible to get a jab.

“Pharmacists work vigorously throughout the pandemic, often serving as the first port of call for medical advice, and often remain open when the surroundings are closed.

“Thanks to all pharmacies for supporting the nationwide response to the pandemic and for helping to keep people safe.”

The pharmacies selected to support vaccination efforts by the local NHS team will operate under conditions of locally enhanced service. The vaccination sites of the six regional pharmacies where I currently live are:

  • Boots, Halifax
  • Andrews Pharmacy, Macclesfield
  • Appleton Village Pharmacy, Widnes
  • Super Drug Pharmacy, Gilford
  • Karrimor Chemist, Edgware
  • Woodside Pharmacy, Telford

Positive reaction from the sector

Simon DukesThe Chief Executive Officer of the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiations Committee said: “It’s great to see the first regional pharmacy Covid-19 vaccination site up and running this week, and we look forward to more pharmacies participating in this program over time.

“Patients appreciate this and we know that pharmacies can make a significant contribution to national vaccination efforts.”

Mark LyonetteThe Chief Executive of the National Pharmacy Association, said: “Regional pharmacists are actively involved in the Covid-19 vaccination program and play an important role in their widespread adoption as trusted healthcare professionals.

“We are proud that members of the National Pharmacy Association, which has been at the forefront of healthcare services through the pandemic, are participating in this major national effort to defeat the virus.

“This is a moment of pride for local pharmacies and a moment of hope for everyone.

“We look forward to working with the NHS on further mobilization of pharmacies across the country.”

Malcolm HarrisonThe Chief Executive Officer of the Company Chemists’ Association said: “CCA is pleased that two of its members, Boots and Superdrug, are part of this historic step in the fight against the coronavirus.

“We fully support the local pharmacy teams involved and use their clinical expertise to protect risky groups from Covid-19. In collaboration with the NHS, the future We look forward to an even greater role for local pharmacies in the Covid vaccine program in the coming weeks and months. “

Dr. Leila HambeckThe Chief of Independent Pharmacy Association said: “We are pleased that many members have been approved to participate in this historic vaccination program on a pharmacy-led site.

“This shows the true determination and willingness of the pharmacy team to support the rest of the NHS to vaccinate the country. We not only help our members achieve their goals, but also efficiency and patientness. I am confident that it will exceed expectations with minimal confusion. “

Professor Claire AndersonThe Chairman of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society’s UK Pharmacy Commission said:

“Hospitals, primary care and community pharmacy teams are committed to supporting national health. We look forward to further expanding our vaccination program through pharmacies to benefit patients. . “

Cebu JamesBoots UK and ROI Managing Director said: “Today, as we begin vaccination at Halifax Pharmacy, we are very proud to be able to support the NHS at this special time.

“Our pharmacists are experts in vaccination programs and have a credible role in the heart of the community. Pharmacies are well suited to support the rapid and safe deployment of this vaccine. “

Michael Henry, Superdrug’s Healthcare Director said: “Today, pharmacists and nurses using their clinical expertise to provide vaccines are making great strides in making vaccines more accessible to those at highest risk for coronavirus.

“Gilford is the first of five current superdrug sites to support the NHS in the deployment of important vaccination programs and is actively discussing additional vaccination sites through further involvement of pharmacies.

“We are proud to work with the NHS and, along with other regional pharmacy teams, will help more front-line clinical teams provide more patients with faster vaccination services. We welcome the opportunity to play a major role. “

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