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What you need to know about HPV and cervical cancer

What you need to know about HPV and cervical cancer


Cervical cancer Affects women around the world. Therefore, it is essential to understand the “silent killer” and what you can do to increase your chances of overcoming it.

is more than 14,000 people a year It has been diagnosed with cervical cancer in the United States. Still, cervical cancer is still one of the most preventable cancers in women today. Given that January is the month of recognition of cervical cancer, what is a better way to convey a message about substantive screening that could save women’s well-being and life?

Image of cancer

(Photo: American Cancer Society / Getty Images)
390487 02: (File photo) Close-up of cervical cancer cells. Cancer of the cervix, which is the part of the uterus that attaches to the upper part of a woman’s private part.

HPV is the number one source of cervical cancer

It is important to know the trigger and find a solution to this disease. Many cervical cancers Human papillomavirus (HPV), a common virus transmitted by sexual intercourse from one individual to another. HPV infects both men and women. It can be there for years without any impact and they can pass it on to someone without learning about it.

Currently, more than 20 million people worldwide are infected with HPV, and next year about 6.2 million will be infected with the virus, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. HPV also correlates with other cancers.

Many cases of cervical cancer are preventable

Since cervical cancer is commonly caused by HPV, avoiding HPV infection is the best way to prevent cervical cancer. Since 2006, the highly efficient HPV vaccine has been used. The HPV vaccine, like other vaccines, helps the immune system develop an antibody response that protects the body from infection.This vaccine is available to all men and women 9-26 years old Take a few times in 6 months.

The easiest way to diagnose suspicious changes in the cervix before they grow into cancer is with a regular Papanicolaou test. Treating these irregular cells is equivalent to extracting polyps to avoid colon cancer and helps prevent the development of cervical cancer. More than half The percentage of US women with cervical cancer has never or occasionally taken the Papanicolaou test. Papanicolaou trials often detect cervical cancer early, while it is at the most curable level.

Some HPV strains cause cancer

HPV is serious, but not necessarily a sign of cancer. HPV is a community of over 150 related viruses. Most men and women who have never had sex can become infected with HPV at any stage of their lives. As mentioned above, some strains can cause cervical cancer, which can be a major cause of the disease. Most HPV infections disappear without attention and have nothing to do with cancer.

The risk of cervical cancer is caused by smoking and other factors

Women who smoke are about twice as likely to have cervical cancer as nonsmokers. Smoking weakens the immune system and makes it difficult for the body to fight HPV infections on its own.

Both long-term use of oral contraceptives and overweight have been shown to increase the likelihood of cervical cancer.

Women who have had cervical cancer with their siblings or mother are two to three times more likely to inherit the disorder. If you have a family history of cervical cancer, consult a specialist.

There is a warning signal, but no early warning sign

In the early stages, cervical cancer is often asymptomatic and is often referred to as a “silent killer.”But as the disease progresses, there are signs of warning Grow and manifest myself. Examples include abdominal discomfort, irregular bleeding, painful urination, abnormal secretions, abnormal menstrual periods, dyspareunia or bleeding, anemia, semen incontinence, and pain throughout the back. Talk to your doctor right away if you have any of these signs.

read more: Common weeds of the cabbage family can stop cancer

Check out more news and information about cancer Science Times.


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