Wisconsin sees first case of UK-based stock of COVID-19

Reported by Health Service Department On January 13th, a new COVID-19 variant arrived in Wisconsin.
A new strain, which scientists call B., was first discovered to be widely distributed in the United Kingdom in November and December. There is some evidence that the new strain may be more contagious, but there is no evidence that it causes an increased risk of more serious illness or death.
At a press conference on January 13, Dr. Ryan Westergaard, a state epidemiologist of infectious diseases in Wisconsin, explained how this new strain was discovered in Wisconsin using a special DNA test.
“Yes, I’ve heard of one case so far, which was detected by a whole-genome sequence performed on a residual sample from a diagnostic test in Eau Claire County,” said Westergaard.
The emergence of new strains such as B.1.1.7 is not uncommon.
Dr. David O’Connor is a professor of pathology and laboratory medicine at UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health, and runs a laboratory to study viral infections. Talk to WORTO’Connor said it is common for viruses to mutate when they find a new host.
“The genetic material of the coronavirus is called RNA, and when RNA makes copies of itself, those copies can be sloppy, making mistakes,” O’Connor said.
These mistakes in the RNA sequence can give rise to new strains of The Wall Street Journal, B.1.1.7 and another new coronavirus strain that originated in South Africa both show similar mutations in the same protein.
Associated Press And other media outlets are focusing on the fact that the B.1.1.7 strain appears to spread among people faster than other strains. Dr. Thomas Friedrich, who studies disease and the immune system at UW-Madison, shares the same suspicions.
“This variant is about 1.5 times more contagious than previous strains and seems to be more contagious among humans, so it means that the virus is a little easier to spread and may be a little more difficult to control. I’m worried about it, “Friedrich said.
This increased transmission rate is predicted by preliminary findings Study by London School of Economics and Tropical Medicine, Has not been peer reviewed yet. Researchers have modeled the epidemiology of new strains and found out how quickly they spread. This model found that B.1.1.7 may be 56% more contagious than older strains.
The· The CDC continues to hesitate to confirm that the B.1.1.7 strain is more infectious. No further data.
In addition to B.1.1.7, the Ohio State University team recently announced the discovery of a new US-based stock. At a press conference on January 13, COVID-19 researcher Dr. Dan Jones, a professor of pathology at OSU, said on this new strain when studying B.1.1.7 and South African variants. Explained if you encountered.
“We found a new mutant that contained a peplomer mutation common to UK and South African mutants, but it’s on a backbone that we consider to be of US origin,” Jones said. Said.
At the time of this report, the strain was found in only one patient in Columbus, Ohio.
Outbreak of new stock Created some uncertainty Whether our current vaccine can withstand — but Dr. Peter Moller, Chief Scientific Officer at The Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center, said the concern was unfounded.
“So far, there is no data that vaccines are ineffective against these virus strains. I would like to say that over and over again. To date, these virus strains are ineffective against current vaccines. There is no such data, “says Moller.
There is no evidence that the new strain will cause more deadly or more serious illness. However, as the COVID-19 virus mutates, Dr. Westerguard said the same precautions will continue to work. A stay-at-home order is the social distance when you are at home, wear a mask, and go out.
“All interventions, all preventive strategies work, so the message to the general public must do what we have trained ourselves and everything we have done. That’s why we need to do them more powerfully and faithfully, and we won’t cut the corners, “said Westerguard.
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