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Israel sells Covid immunity passports for vaccinated citizens

Israel sells Covid immunity passports for vaccinated citizens


Healthcare professionals will receive the Covid-19 vaccine on January 6, 2021 at the Clarit Health Service in the ultra-Orthodox Israeli city of Bnei Brak.

Jack Guess | AFP | Getty Images

Israel is currently praised for running the fastest Covid-19 vaccination campaign in the world.

Less than a month after receiving the first shipment of Pfizer-BioNTech jabs, 9 million countries have vaccinated about 20% of their population, and more than 72% of people over the age of 60 are already the first. I have been vaccinated. shot. The Israeli Ministry of Health aims to vaccinate 5.2 million citizens by March.

Vaccination has helped the country gradually break out of its strict blockade, and soon with the help of new documents: Helping the Covid-19 Vaccination Certificate, or what is called the “Green Booklet”. I will.

The “Green Booklet,” which is basically an immune passport released by the Ministry of Health earlier this week, will be distributed to those who have been vaccinated twice.

“The Ministry of Health will issue a vaccination certificate after receiving the second vaccination,” the Israeli Ministry of Health said on its website. “It will take effect 7 days after the vaccination date.”

This booklet provides vaccinated individuals with significant freedom from Covid-19 safety restrictions. Those who have it no longer need to:

  • After contact with the infected person, they will be quarantined.
  • You will be quarantined after traveling abroad to Covid’s “Red Zone” or a country with a very high infection rate.
  • You need to test before entering a particular tourist destination known as the “Green Island”.

However, they still need to wear masks in public, stay socially distant, 2 meters away from others, and avoid social gatherings.

Vaccinated people with booklets will be “subject to relaxed restrictions at destinations around the world.” Ministry website Said.

According to the website, vaccination proof data is registered in the Ministry of Health database and unvaccinated recovered patients are not included in the booklet.

In this aerial photograph taken in Tel Aviv, Israel on Monday, January 4, 2020, people are lined up outside the Covid-19 Mass Immunization Center in Rabin Square. Israel plans to vaccinate 70% to 80% of its population by April or May. Health Minister Yuri Edelstein said.

Bloomberg | Bloomberg | Getty Images

The Israeli blockade is scheduled to be lifted on January 21, but the surge in incidents in recent weeks means that it could be extended. The country hit a record 9,997 cases on Wednesday, about twice the number of cases per day at the end of December. According to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University, 523,885 viruses have been identified in Israel, killing 3,846 people.

In the country’s Arab and Orthodox Jewish communities, where skepticism about vaccines is growing, vaccination promotion faces more obstacles. Israel is also being attacked by human rights groups for failing to extend its vaccination campaign to Palestinian territory.

The Palestinian Authority has signed an agreement with AstraZeneca to receive the first dose of the vaccine in March, but has strongly criticized Israel for failing to take responsibility for providing assistance. Israeli officials say this depends on the Palestinian Authority.

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with officials on how to phase out the blockade and introduce a green booklet, according to local Israeli news reports. The release date has not been disclosed.


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