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Dallas County reports 1,993 COVIDs-19, 17 more dead on Thursday – NBC5 Dallas Fort Worth

Dallas County reports 1,993 COVIDs-19, 17 more dead on Thursday – NBC5 Dallas Fort Worth


Dallas County reported 1,993 COVID-19 cases on Thursday, killing an additional 17 and having approximately 20 ICU beds available throughout the county.

The county also reported 1,204 COVID-19 patients who were in the county hospital until Wednesday night. They also reported 564 ER visits on Wednesday for people with COVID-19 symptoms.

“We remain very concerned about the impact of COVID on hospital systems and medical heroes,” said Judge Clay Jenkins of Dallas County. “There are only 20 adult ICU beds available in Dallas County, and January and February are expected to be tough, so it’s important to follow the advice of a local doctor.”

Of the cases reported on Thursday, 1,796 cases were confirmed in the county, 197 were estimated (antigen test) cases, and the total number of confirmed cases in the county by March 2020 was 201,744, estimated (antigen test). ) The number of cases was stated to be 25,878. .. The total number of possible cases confirmed in the county is currently 227,622. Over the past seven days, Dallas County authorities have reported an average of 2,604 cases of newly identified viruses per day, with 18,230 cases.

County officials said Thursday that there have been 1,829 deaths in the county due to the virus since March 2020. The 17 victims announced on Thursday included women in their 30s and several individuals in their 90s.

  • A woman in her thirties who lived in Dallas. She was seriously ill in a local hospital and had an underlying high-risk health condition.
  • A woman in her 50s who lived in Garland. She was seriously ill in a local hospital and had an underlying high-risk health condition.
  • A woman in her 50s was a resident of a nursing home in Mesquite. She was seriously ill in a local hospital and had an underlying high-risk health condition.
  • A man in his 50s who lived in the city of Mesquite. He was seriously ill in a local hospital and had an underlying high-risk health condition.
  • A man in his 50s who was a resident of the city of Dallas. He was seriously ill in a local hospital and had an underlying high-risk health condition.
  • A man in his 50s who lived in the city of Mesquite. He was seriously ill in a local hospital and had an underlying high-risk health condition.
  • A woman in her 60s who lived in the city of Mesquite. She was seriously ill in a local hospital and had an underlying high-risk health condition.
  • A man in his 60s who lived in the city of Mesquite. He was seriously ill in a local hospital and had an underlying high-risk health condition.
  • A man in his 60s who was a resident of the city of Dallas. He was seriously ill in a local hospital and had an underlying high-risk health condition.
  • A man in his 60s who was a resident of the city of Dallas. He was seriously ill in a local hospital and had an underlying high-risk health condition.
  • A man in his 70s who lived in Garland. He was hospitalized and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
  • A woman in her 70s who lived in Addison. She was admitted to a local hospital and was in potentially high-risk health.
  • A woman in her 80s was a resident of a nursing home in Garland. She was hospitalized and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
  • A man in his 90s who lived in a nursing care facility in Dallas. He was hospitalized and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.
  • A man in his 90s who was a resident of Highland Park. He expired in hospice and had an underlying high-risk health condition.
  • A woman in her 90s living in Desoto. She was hospitalized and had no underlying high-risk health status.
  • A man in his 90s was a resident of a nursing home in Mesquite. He was admitted to a local hospital and was in a fundamentally high-risk state of health.

COVID-19 Vaccine Initiatives

Dallas County, in collaboration with the State Department of Health, planned to open a large vaccine hub in Fair Park on Monday to administer up to 2,000 vaccines per day. For Phases 1A and 1B. Vaccination centers usually do not accept walkups, but people over the age of 75 do accept walkups on Fridays. After that, you need to make an appointment to get vaccinated. Please register your reservation at the link below. The county also plans to provide vaccines in two other locations within the county, with an additional 1,000 vaccines per day.

Want to be on the waiting list for vaccines?

As the state began distributing the COVID-19 vaccine for Phase 1A and 1B vaccines, the county health department began a waiting list of those wishing to receive the vaccine.

You can now register for vaccination in the Colin, Dallas, Denton, and Talent counties. The link is below.

Waiting list link: Colin | Dallas | Denton | Talent

You do not need to be a resident of the county to enroll in the COVID-19 vaccine in that county. Registration is possible for anyone in Texas. For those who do not have internet access, Tarrant County also accepts registrations by phone 817-248-6299. In Dallas County, call 972-692-2780. In Denton County, call 940-349-2585.

The vaccine is currently given only to people who are part of Phases 1A and 1B, as outlined by the Texas Department of Health. Participants in Phase 1A are front-line healthcare professionals or residents of long-term care facilities. Phase 1B includes people over the age of 65, or people over the age of 16 with a chronic condition at risk of severe illness.

After vaccination, people are expected to receive some protection within a few weeks of the first shot, but full protection may not occur until a few weeks after the second shot. Even if fully vaccinated, the vaccine does not provide 100% protection and can be infected with the virus.


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