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NJ will publish a new COVID vaccine priority list. Teacher “on the deck”

NJ will publish a new COVID vaccine priority list. Teacher “on the deck”


New Jersey-Governor Murphy says teachers are “ready” for vaccination now that New Jersey has announced a new priority list of COVID-19 vaccines.Murphy is set to address this issue at a press conference at 1:00 pm on Friday. (See below)..

Murphy, MSNBC At the end of Thursday, it was suggested that teachers would likely be next to the list as long as New Jersey could get more funding from the federal government to distribute the vaccine.

He said he hopes the new Biden administration, which announced plans to pass a significant COVID-19 financial and vaccine distribution package on Thursday, will do so. (See the state’s new vaccine program below).

“They are in an on-deck circle, and the federal supply needs to grow,” Murphy told MSNBC.

Murphy told MSNBC that he wanted to extend the distribution of the vaccine to more people, but “it’s hard to be satisfied if the supply from the Federal Reserve is much less than promised.”

“There was a lot of delay in reporting the data,” Murphy said. This can explain why 654,000 doses were reported to be sent to New Jersey, but only 277,000.

“We are not sitting on any supplies,” he said. “There is no state warehouse. All doses are at distribution points or at CVS or Walgreens stores.”

According to Murphy, New Jersey follows the guidelines of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and “is fairly loyal when deciding how to distribute vaccines.

“We will meet educators sooner or later, and the increased supply of federal government will allow us to get there sooner,” he said.

Officials said the state of New Jersey is rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine in stages to serve all adults living, working, or educated in the state.

The state’s goal is to vaccinate 70% of the adult population, or 4.7 million adults, within 6 months. The state’s current plans are highlighted below, but officials said the plans would be continually updated as the pandemic situation changes.

To determine your current vaccination stage and be notified when you are eligible for the vaccine Vaccine pre-registration.

Who is currently eligible for vaccination?

Currently, vaccines are available in the following groups:

Healthcare professional (Phase 1A)

Paid and unpaid persons working in the medical setting who may have direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious substances, including but not limited to:

  • Certified medical professionals such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, etc.
  • Staff such as receptionists, janitor, morgue, and inspection technicians
  • Consultants, per diems, contractors not directly employed by the facility
  • Unpaid workers such as medical professional students, trainees, volunteers, and essential caregivers
  • Public health professionals such as community health workers, doulas, and medical reserves
  • Personnel in various locations such as EMS, emergency services, funeral staff, autopsy workers, etc.
  • All workers in acute, pediatric, and behavioral medical hospitals and outpatient surgery centers
  • All workers in psychiatric facilities, federal qualified medical centers, rehabilitation and other medical facilities
  • All workers in clinic-based settings such as emergency medical clinics, dialysis centers, family planning sites, etc.
  • All workers in nursing homes, life support facilities, group homes and other long-term care facilities
  • All workers in a vocational medical environment, including workplace clinics, shelters, prisons, universities, schools from kindergarten to high school
  • All workers in a community-based healthcare environment such as PACE and Adult Living Community Nursing
  • All workers in a home environment such as hospice, home care, home-visit nursing services, etc.
  • All workers in an office-based medical environment such as a doctor or dental office
  • All workers in the public health environment such as community health departments, LINCS agencies, harm reduction centers, medical marijuana programs, etc.
  • All retail, independent, and institutional pharmacy workers
  • Other paid or unpaid people who work in the medical setting and may have direct or indirect contact with infected persons or substances and are unable to work from home.

Caregivers and staff (Phase 1A)

All residents and staff of long-term and collective medical facilities, including:

  • Skilled care facility
  • Veterans’ house
  • Group homes such as home care facilities, adult family homes, adult foster homes, and group homes with intellectual and developmental disabilities
  • HUD202 Support Housing for Elderly Program Housing
  • Setting up facilities such as mental hospitals, correctional facilities, county prisons, and juvenile detention centers (targeted minors, such as those over 16 years old, may be eligible for Pfizer vaccination under an emergency use authorization)
  • Other vulnerable, collective, long-term settings

First Responder (Phase 1B)

Sweared law enforcement agencies, firefighters, and other first responders.

  • New Jersey Police Soldier
  • City and county police officers
  • Campus police officer
  • Public prosecutor’s office and state agency detectives
  • State agency / authority law enforcement officers (State Park Police and Guardians, Parises Interstate Park Road Police, Human Services Police, NJ Transit Police, etc.)
  • Investigators, parole and secured facility officers
  • Aviation Operations Specialist
  • Sworn federal law enforcement officers and special agents
  • Bilateral law enforcement officers (Port Authority, etc.)
  • Court guards
  • Paid and unpaid members of fire service (structure and wilderness)
  • Paid and unpaid members of search rescue teams, including technical rescue teams and dangerous goods teams
  • Paid and unpaid firefighters providing emergency medical services
  • Paid and unpaid members of industrial units providing firefighting, rescue and dangerous goods services
  • Members of the State Fire Marshal Office
  • Bilateral firefighters (Port Authority, etc.)

High-risk individuals (Phase 1B)

Individuals aged 65 and over and individuals aged 16-64 with a medical condition that increases the risk of serious viral illness, as defined by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These conditions are as follows:

  • cancer
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
  • Down’s syndrome
  • Cardiac conditions such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathy
  • Obesity (body mass index) [BMI] 30 kg / m2 or more and less than 40 kg / m2)
  • Severe obesity (BMI ≥ 40 kg / m2)
  • Sickle cell disease
  • smoking
  • Type 2 diabetes

It also covers people who are pregnant or immunocompromised due to a solid organ transplant (weakened immunity), but you should first discuss vaccination with your healthcare provider before receiving the vaccine, following the CDC guidance.

If you are currently eligible, click here to find out more about where to get vaccinated.

Who is next eligible for vaccination?

  • Additional Frontline Key Workers (Phase 1B)
  • Other essential workers and people living in a collective environment (Phase 1C)
  • General population (Phase 2)

This group is designated as 1B and may be the next group:

  • Food service worker
  • Port Authority workers
  • New Jersey Transit Workers
  • Teachers, staff, nursery teachers
  • Workers supporting radio, printed matter, internet, television news and media services
  • Other Important Workers (CISA)
  • Other mandatory workers

This group was originally designated as 1C:

  • People living or working in a collective or overcrowded environment, such as a university or university
  • People living or working in a collective or overcrowded environment, such as migrant workers
  • People living or working in a rally or overcrowded environment-population of other tribes
  • Other people at high risk of COVID-19 infection due to comorbidities, occupation, demographics, etc.

Note: The vaccination stage is tentative and subject to change. Transfers between vaccination eligibility phases can be fluid. One phase may overlap with another. Not all individuals in each phase will be vaccinated before joining additional groups, and not all groups within a particular phase will be eligible for vaccination at the same time.

According to officials, additional front-line key workers and high-risk individuals will be announced when they will be vaccinated under Phase 1B and Phase 1C.

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