Nova Scotia warned coronavirus contact tracers not to lie-Halifax
The top doctor in Nova Scotia has issued a strict warning to some residents of the state. They lied to public health authorities, COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears..
At a briefing on Friday, Dr. Robert Strang said he was recently informed that a few Nova Scotians had tried to trick or lie to contact the tracer.
He called development “related.”
“They are not honest and honest about their movements and the people they come in contact with, and the lack of this information delays investigations, leaving more time for the virus to spread to the community,” Strang said.
“I have to say I’m very disappointed with this news.”
Nova Scotia is celebrating two weeks from the holiday season as it reports two new cases on Friday.
Strang admitted that the issue was not widespread, but said it was important for people to understand how they were undermining the state’s efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19.
The news came when Strand, with the addition of Prime Minister Stephen McNeill, said the state seemed to have passed the vacation period “OK.”
In other Canadian states, cases of COVID-19 have increased significantly daily, Stran said, but Nova Scotia has reported only 65 cases since January 1.
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For example, in the neighboring state of New Brunswick, 285 cases were reported during the same period.
“Providing accurate and complete information (to contact tracers) is very important to minimize the potential for community expansion,” Strang said.
“So for Nova Scotian citizens who think that public health measures don’t apply, think again and rethink the rest of the state, the rest of Nova Scotia, and the sacrifices that many of us have. , Tell me that I need to do better. “
It was an emotion echoed by McNeil.
“Dr. Strand and his team in public health are doing a tremendous amount of work, and they only care about viruses,” McNeil said.
“So be frank and honest when they ask you questions.”
Officials explained that contact tracing needs to be done quickly, but only after the fact that someone has been diagnosed with a confirmed case. Coronavirus..
A liar and misleading contact tracer allows COVID-19 to move within the community.
McNeil emphasized that the information provided to public health lies between the individual and public health.
“We are not considering how to judge your move or the decisions you make,” he said.
“The only goal is to catch the virus as soon as possible and prevent it from spreading within the community. It really is about the health and safety of Nova Scotia.”
Strang finally notified that individuals who lied or misunderstood health authorities could be prosecuted or fined under Nova Scotia’s public health law.
“We know there are legal tools that we can bring in when it’s appropriate and needed,” he said.
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