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Santa Cruz Covid-19 vaccine delivery slows at limited doses

Santa Cruz Covid-19 vaccine delivery slows at limited doses


At least 5,600 doses of Covid-19 vaccine have been distributed throughout Santa Cruz County, and at a press conference on Friday, county health officials said the mass distribution from the state had had a major impact.

Overall, the county has received approximately 16,000 doses. COVID-19 Vaccines — from both Pfizer and Moderna. However, it far falls short of the 29,000 doses required to complete the county. First stage of vaccination planningThis includes front-line healthcare professionals, a few first responders, residents, and skilled nursing facility employees. Of the approximately 11,000 doses still remaining in the county’s inventory, approximately 8,000 are squared as the second dose for those who have already taken the first shot.

Most front-line employees in local hospitals received both doses, health officials said Friday, but not the rest of the so-called Phase 1A part of the vaccination program. According to Deputy County Health Officer David Gilarducci, this includes many home care facilities that have not yet heard when they will receive the vaccine.

Girarducci said the vaccine was still in short supply locally and the doses sent to public health agencies were limited. According to Girarducci, the county is expected to receive only 200 doses next week, making it an “impossible task” to finish Phase 1A quickly and move on to the much larger Phase 1B. Currently includes everyone over 65— Approximately 48,000 people in Santa Cruz County — Thanks for the mandate from the California Public Health Service.

Nonetheless, Girarducci said his previous prediction that the county would move to Phase 1B in late January or early February remains an achievable goal.He said many county residents would receive vaccines from agencies such as: Pharmacy partnership for long-term care, Their healthcare provider, or other small healthcare providers such as Safeway Pharmacies and Doctorson Duty. He said the county’s vaccine allocation would go to residents of areas affected by the pandemic and be distributed at clinics such as Sardo Paralagente in Watsonville.

“The bottom line is that we want patience and understanding,” said Girarducci. “We certainly understand your anxiety, and we’re really very happy that many of you are interested in getting vaccinated because it’s really our way forward. think.”

The pain of vaccination comes as the county sees it Highest case rate since the start of the State dataAs of Friday, there were 59 cases per day for every 100,000 residents of the county. This means that in a county with a population of about 273,000, more than 160 new Covid-19 cases occur daily.

According to, there are currently over 3,000 active cases County data The last update is Thursday evening.

“The data that came this week surprised me even with its seriousness,” said county health officer Dr. Gale Newel.

The death toll in the county has also increased to 113. More than 8,500 have recovered from the disease and more than 11,700 have become ill, including 346 who needed hospitalization.Pandemics will continue to occur Significant impact on low-income and disadvantaged communities Even locally.

However, some good news was reported on Friday. Newell said the state reassured that the Bay Area’s overall ICU capacity was not expected to reach zero in the next four weeks.

There were 80 people in the Covid-19 county hospital on Thursday, including 12 in the ICU. ICU bed was not available.

Tony Nunez, Managing Editor of Pajaronia, has been a longtime member of the Watsonville community and was a sports editor for five years before assuming his current position in 2019. A graduate of Watsonville High School, Cabrio College, San Jose State University, cities, business, housing, entertainment and more.

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