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California currently reports 525 virus deaths daily


The Office of Emergency Services uses state hospitalization data to predict how many people could die in the coming weeks. The state is trying to analyze multiple models to predict hospitalization and death. A combined “ensemble” projection of all models estimates that an additional 10,000 people will die in the next three weeks.

It can take at least two weeks for the state to get a full picture of the virus’s damage during the holiday season, when many people stay home and ignore the plea of ​​not gathering with friends and extended families. On average, about 12% of people who test positive will be hospitalized. Therefore, the proliferation of new cases will overwhelm the hospital. And more people will eventually die.

Girarducci said the state had enabled a “mass death management program” to avoid large-scale backups in the morgue.

“It’s important to know that you have a plan, it’s in progress, and you’re active today,” said Girarducci. “We work with each of the 58 counties to ensure that all these people are cared for with the most respect.”

The harsh predictions contrasted with the bright press conference held Friday at Dodger Stadium by Mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti and Governor Gavin Newsom.

California has been vaccinated more than 3.5 million times and over 1 million times. Newsam said the state is moving ahead of his goal of delivering approximately 1.5 million doses by Friday.

Newsom sought to shed light on promising trends. Hospitalizations, intensive care unit admissions, and positive rates (the percentage of people tested for the virus) have all declined over the past seven days.

Earlier this week, the New Sam administration was sufficient to lift the curfew in the Sacramento region of 13 counties, including the state capital and Lake Tahoe, a popular winter tourist destination.

The move will reopen businesses such as hair salons and nail salons, allow restaurants to resume dining outdoors, and slightly increase the number of customers in retail stores.

“Not only the light provided by the vaccine, but the light is beginning to appear at the end of the tunnel,” Newsom said.

California is the most populous state in the United States with approximately 40 million inhabitants, with an average of over 41,000 new coronavirus cases occurring daily over the past two weeks, reducing previous outbreaks. .. California has the second highest death toll in the country, with 81.8 per capita deaths, 39th.

Copyright 2021 AP communication. all rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission.

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