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Covid Vaccine: 72% of Blacks are unlikely to have a jab, according to a UK survey | World News


An advisor to the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergency Sage (Sage) said that up to 72% of blacks are unlikely to have jabs, so blacks, Asians, and the Covid vaccine in the ethnic minority community (BAME) He expressed new concerns about intake.

Historical issues of unethical health care research, and structural and institutional racism and discrimination, are the main reasons for the low level of confidence in vaccination programs, reports Sage said. ..

The numbers come from Longitudinal study of British homesInterviews are conducted annually to gain a long-term perspective on the lives of the British people.

In late November, researchers surveyed 12,035 participants to investigate the prevalence of coronavirus vaccine hesitation in the United Kingdom and whether certain subgroups are likely to be affected by it. Contacted.

Government Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization Has published a list of groups of people who prioritize vaccination with Covid-19 in the United Kingdom. The list is as follows:

Everyone over 180 years and health and social welfare workers.

Those over 275 years old.

Those over 370 years old.

Those over 465 years old.

5 Adults under the age of 65 at high risk of serious illness and death from Covid-19.

6 Adults under the age of 65 with a moderate risk of serious illness and death from Covid-19.

Those over 760 years old.

Those over 855 years old.

All over 950 years.

10 Remaining population.

Overall, the study found that vaccination motivation was high, with 82% of people likely or very likely to have a jab, up to 96% of people over the age of 75. I will.

Women, young people and poorly educated people were less motivated, but hesitated, especially among the black group, with 72% saying they were unlikely or very unlikely to be vaccinated. For the Pakistani and Bangladesh groups, this figure was 42%. Eastern European groups were also less motivated.

These numbers are higher Previous quote By Royal Society for Public Health.. In a poll of 2,076 adults in the UK, 57% of respondents with a BAME background received advice from their GP or other healthcare professional, compared to 79% of white respondents. If so, I found that I was taking Covid Jab.

“Trust is especially important for healthcare organizations and the black community, who have low confidence in their findings due to the historical issues of unethical health care research,” said Sage experts.

“Trust is also undermined by structural and institutional racism and discrimination. Ethnic minority groups have historically been underestimated in health studies, including vaccine trials. This is because certain vaccines There is concern that vaccination studies are not ethnically heterogeneous, as they can affect confidence in what is perceived to be appropriate and safe. “

The report highlighted the need to engage with trusted sources such as the GP and scientists within the BAME community to address concerns about vaccine safety and efficacy.

“The approach should acknowledge the historical problems of medical research to address the distrust of government and health services experienced in the black community in relation to vaccination,” he said.


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