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How Alcohol Affects Response to COVID-19 Vaccine

How Alcohol Affects Response to COVID-19 Vaccine


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According to experts, moderate alcohol consumption around the time of COVID-19 vaccination should not affect the immune response, but it may be best to refrain from short periods before and after.Nomad / Getty Images
  • Russian and British experts warn that people should avoid drunk Short term before vaccination against new coronavirus..
  • However, US experts say that casual or moderate alcohol intake does not affect the immune response.
  • Heavy drinking and heavy use of alcohol should be avoided before and after vaccination and for general health.

With the first wave of the COVID-19 vaccine being administered in the United States and many other countries, it raises questions about whether alcohol intake affects people’s immune response to jabs.

British experts recently warned that drunkenness should be avoided the day before and after the COVID-19 vaccine. “To be successful with a vaccine, your immune system needs to work at its best, so if you’re drinking the night before or shortly after, it won’t help.” Sina crack shank, PhD, an immunologist at the University of Manchester, UK metro..

Russian health officials went a step further last month to advise citizens vaccinated against the country’s Sputnik V vaccine to refrain from alcohol for two months.

However, vaccine developer Dr. Alexander Gintsburg later commented that this advice was too extreme.via Tweets from Sputnik V account, Ginzberg advised to refrain from alcohol 3 days after each injection. The guidance he says applies to all vaccines.

But US experts say this is probably unnecessary for people who don’t use too much alcohol.

“There is no need to refrain from alcohol after administration of any of the COVID-19 vaccines,” he said. Dr. Sandro Sinti, Infectious disease specialist in Michigan medicine. “There is no evidence or CDC guidance to suggest that this should be done.”

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an emergency use authorization for the Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. Both vaccines need to be given twice. The Pfizer vaccine is given every 21 days and the modelna vaccine is given every 28 days.

High alcohol consumption is generally a health concern, but individuals are not required to refrain from drinking casual or moderate amounts of alcohol before being vaccinated. Dr. Hana El Surly, He is an associate professor of molecular virology and microbiology and medicine at Baylor College of Medicine and one of the national co-chairs of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine trial.

“In a large phase 3 clinical trial, alcohol consumption was not evaluated as a variable,” she told Healthline. “We do not expect occasional or moderate amounts of alcohol to affect the response to the vaccine, and we refrain from alcohol to subjects and the general public before and after vaccination time. I haven’t requested that. “

But Dr. Christopher Thompson, An associate professor of biology at Loyola University Chicago, Maryland, who specializes in immunology and microbiology, warns that excessive alcohol use should be avoided before and after vaccination.

He said he does not yet have specific data on alcohol and the COVID-19 vaccine, but “most of the available data on how alcohol affects the immune system and vaccine response is generally that people drink and drink. It suggests that heavy drinking should be avoided. At the time of vaccination, “he said. “Ideally, this should be avoided at least 1 week before the first dose and 1 month after the second dose.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines drinking alcoholic beverages as consuming 5 or more alcoholic beverages for men and 4 or more for women.

Drinking 15 or more drinks a week for men and 8 or more drinks a week for women is considered heavy drinking.

“The immune system doesn’t work as expected, especially with heavy alcohol consumption,” Thompson said. “While we see functional dysregulation of many immune cells, we also see systemic inflammation and an increase in pro-inflammatory molecules.”

Alcohol research the study It also shows that alcohol can cause inflammation in the intestines, alter the composition of the microbiota, and damage microorganisms that maintain the health of the immune system.

High alcohol intake is also associated with many other health problems, including an increased risk of heart disease, cancer, and liver disease.

On the other hand, some studies have shown that moderate alcohol intake (up to 1 cup daily for women and up to 2 cups daily for men) improves a person’s response to the vaccine.

“Medium drinkers tend to show better antibody production and cytotoxic (CD8) T cell responses,” said Thompson. “In addition, moderate alcohol intake can increase the amount of antiviral cytokines or small chemical mediators that help regulate the immune response.”

But he said researchers are unaware of whether these slight improvements are short-term or long-term.

In conclusion, Thompson said that for those who rarely drink or drink moderately, from an immunological point of view, much of what they do when vaccinated with COVID-19 does not need to be changed. That is.

“The glass of wine or beer here and there shouldn’t impair most responses to the vaccine, and in fact can slightly improve the response,” he said. “However, it is probably best to hydrate well on the day of the vaccine and for the next few days to deal with the mild side effects that most people experience.”


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