12 most common questions about Covid mutations and vaccines
Many questions have been asked about new mutants of vaccines and viruses, and I wanted to share the top questions I received and explain what we know and what we don’t know yet.
Mutant strain
First of all, the question is coming up We see mutations in the coronavirus that occurred in the United Kingdom and South Africa. The “UK” variant is called B117 or VUI-202012 / 01 (the variant under investigation).
Viruses and bacteria always have mutations in their genetic makeup, but many of them do not affect the infectivity of the virus or the course of the disease. Scientists need to monitor these changes. This is done by gene sequencing, which looks for changes in the viral genetic code. Finding a mutation doesn’t tell you anything about its effects, but the clearer the case, the more likely it is to mutate the virus. Mutations are random and show how evolution works, not whether they are good or bad in nature. Expect more viral variants to be found.
One of the big problems is U.S. is far behind Other countries sequencing virus samples to detect these mutations — so cats may be out of the bag before we know it.
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Dr. Tedros of WHO explained at a recent press conference: “The bottom line is that we need to control all SARS-CoV-2 virus infections as soon as possible. More opportunities it has to change.. One of the big problems is U.S. is far behind Other countries sequencing virus samples to detect these mutations — so cats may be out of the bag before we know it. But the bigger problem is the chaotic political and social reaction of this country, which is another opportunity.
Will UK variant strains spread more easily?
Yes, this strain is much more contagious and may even infect children. The infection rate is known as R0 (pronounced R naught). For Covid virus, it is 1.1. This means that each infected person is more likely to infect the other 1.1 people. For British variants, R0 appears to be about 1.5. This means that (on average) about 50% more people get infected from one person. Some estimates are higher, At 70%..
Do people get sick from the mutant Covid?
It’s not something we’ve seen so far.Yes No evidence of increased severity But our The medical system is already overwhelmedThere are many hospitals with a complete ICU. They cannot cope with the new patient wave from this more contagious strain.
Is Covid infection worse than influenza?
definitely! Covid has 20 times the mortality rate of influenza, Average about 2% overall compared to Influenza is 0.1%.. Another problem that makes Covid a much more serious infection is that many people have persistent symptoms months after an acute infection. We have little understanding of what causes the symptoms to persist and become a “long-distance carrier” and the range of the symptoms.
Is it easier to re-infect with a new strain?
It has not been seen so far. Vaccine immunity is similar.
Does the Covid-19 vaccine protect against new strains?
Yes. According to Dr. Soumaya Swaminathan of WHO, “none of the (mutants) have a significant impact on the virus’s susceptibility to currently used therapeutic agents, drugs, or vaccines under development.”
However, it is only a matter of time before new mutants reduce their viral susceptibility.
Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO Health Emergencies Program, can manage pandemics with more careful basic infection control measures such as isolation, masking, and social distance, while the new Covid mutation makes the virus more susceptible to infection. I emphasized. He said the number of incidents was skyrocketing in his hometown of Ireland.Not due to variant… But mainly due to increased social mixing and reduced physical distance. Ryan added: “The rules of the game haven’t changed. What we have to do to win hasn’t changed … we just have to double our efforts.”
Is the vaccine safe?
So far, the vaccine has been very safe and effective and monitoring is ongoing. The most serious reaction is anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction.As it happened in 11.1 cases per million times Pfizer’s vax; 71% of these occurred within 15 minutes of vaccination. Most were people with a history of serious allergic reactions. No data have been reported on the response of persons with a history of autoimmune disease or Bell’s palsy. Given the uncontrollable pandemic, the CDC recommends vaccines for everyone. This is because the risk of Covid infection (death and long-term disability) is much higher than the risk of vaccines.
Are there any differences in the safety of these vaccines between different ethnic groups or populations?
Dr. Bruce Aylward (WHO) There is no reason to expect a difference Also, due to the high urgency, there is no time to thoroughly test the vaccine in any particular country or population.
Is it possible to mix vaccines?
There is some debate about the theoretical benefits of using vaccines that work in completely different ways to boost immunity. So far, the only vaccines in the United States manufactured by Pfizer and Moderna are both mRNA-based vaccines. They work the same, but they are not the same formula and there is no data on whether mixing doses is harmful, beneficial, or ineffective. Feeling lucky?
Will it be transmitted after vaccination with the coronavirus vaccine?
No. None of the vaccines contain live viruses. Both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are made with mRNA or messenger RNA.Carl Zimmer has a good explainer here.. This small amount of genetic material enters our cells and uses them to make antibodies against the virus. Vaccines cannot alter your DNA, cause an infection, or spread the infection to others. It also does not test positive for Covid infections.
How long does it take to develop an antibody and protect it from infection?
In the case of Pfizer, the protection is fairly good 10 days after vaccination, 52% protection During the period between the two required injections. For AstraZeneca The protection was 73% 3 weeks after the first injection.
If you see people complaining that the vaccine didn’t work because you’re still vaccinated with Covid, it’s possible that you didn’t have time for the vaccine to work. Also, keep in mind that no vaccine is perfect. These two show a surprisingly good protection of 95% after the second dose, but not 100%.
Is it possible to stop the mask and social distance when vaccinated?
This is a very important point and a source of confusion. Many people think that vaccination can stop preventive measures. wrong! Vaccines prevent serious illness.they have Absent It has been shown to prevent infection or asymptomatic infections. Research is currently underway to find it. Therefore, you need to wear a mask for the time being. See what is most comfortable for you and make it a fashion statement! The best ones are foam fittings and three layers of tightly woven material, or synthetic fibers like surgical masks.
If I’m exposed to a sick person, can I just get to work if I don’t have any symptoms?
number! If it is the contact information of a sick person, it should be quarantined for 7-10 days. This is to break the chain of infection and prevent it from infecting others. You can get infected and spread the virus without any symptoms.
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