A casket stored in the break room of an overwhelming Louisiana funeral home
Los Angeles-Break room corpse. Antiseptic body in the garage.
The small family-owned Boyd Funeral Home in Los Angeles is flooded with COVID-19 victims and is beginning to keep customers away for the first time in history.
“The weekend before turning down the 16 families who couldn’t serve,” said owner Candy Boyd.
“That’s sad, but it’s almost the same as it is now.”
In the last two weeks, a coronavirus has hit Los Angeles, killing about 80% of the deceased who passed through her door with COVID-19.
One in ten residents of the second largest city in the United States has been infected since the pandemic began, and the virus surged last week killing nearly 300 people each day.
At Boyd’s reception, the phone keeps ringing, overwhelmed staff abandoned bookings, and now customers are just telling them to show up and line up, so there is little response.
She also receives calls from desperate families in other counties, more than an hour’s drive away.
Morgues in many hospitals are also full, local coroners use refrigerated trucks to handle the victims’ luggage, and some graveyards warn of a two-week waiting list.
“Things are becoming more and more out of control,” Boyd said.
During this week’s visit to AFP, a casket with a small wreath occupied the employee break room behind the front desk. It was there for a week.
“This room is our lunch area, but we have to use this room as space for the casket,” the owner said. “We did the service, but the graveyards are very backed up … we have to keep them here until they have time to bury them.”
Garage body
Like much of the surrounding South Los Angeles, the Westmont area is home to a community of black and Latin working class, mostly living in densely populated homes.
These demographics have been hit particularly hard by COVID-19, with mortality rates two to three times higher than in nearby wealthy communities.
The cold room at Boyd’s funeral home was always full.
Two weeks ago, Boyd brought in a craftsman to build two large wooden structures in the company’s garage to store preservative-treated bodies.
“He didn’t even really have a chance to finish because we needed these (to store),” she said, pointing to a corpse wrapped in a corpse bag lying on a rough ledge.
“I never imagined I had to build it in my dream.”
Some funeral homes report a shortage of caskets due to a lack of wood, but Void suppliers have caught up with the orders as long as they are placed early enough.
Boyd initially refused to accept COVID-19 victims, worried that five staff members would be infected with the virus at the start of the pandemic.
“I had a nightmare. I couldn’t eat and I couldn’t sleep,” she recalled.
Boyd has since been comfortable creating safety protocols and dealing with inflows, but claims that it is “not about money.”
“It’s about helping families and helping them get through this crisis,” she said.
“It costs me every day, I’m dealing with this,” Boyd added. “And I have to be there for my family, so I have to keep a solid face.”
Sometimes customers are people she has known personally for a long time.
Boyds may also encounter families who refuse to wear masks or respect physical distance, even though they have arranged to bury their loved ones.
“The numbers don’t lie. That’s true. That’s true,” said the sick Boyd.
The number of cases in California has more than doubled to 2.8 million since early December.
“If you don’t take it seriously, you may be one of the people in my back row,” she warned AFP journalists.
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