COVID-19 Exacerbates Diet, Inactivity, and Alcohol Consumption in Canadian Students: Study
Toronto-A new Canadian study found that the COVID-19 pandemic increased unhealthy behavior in post-secondary students.
the studyThe quarantine brought about by the new coronavirus, carried out by researchers at the University of Saskatchewan, has resulted in “already poor diets, low activity levels, sedentary behavior, and marked deterioration of high alcohol consumption among college students.” I reported that I was connected.
Gordon Zello, a professor of nutrition and the lead author of the study, Press release Survey results show that it may help students maintain healthy behavior in the future.
“Our findings show that college students, especially those most vulnerable to malnutrition and sedentary behavior, should be targeted for interventions aimed at maintaining and improving physical activity and diet after this pandemic. It’s important, “said Zero.
Researchers said the study was the first to assess “changes in student dietary intake, physical activity, and sedentary behavior” in COVID-19.
The findings were published in a peer-reviewed medical journal on Friday. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism..
The study included 125 graduate and undergraduate students from the University of Saskatchewan and Regina University who live independently or have roommates but are responsible for purchasing and preparing their own meals. did.
During the four-month study, students completed an online survey of food and drink consumption, physical activity, and sedentary behavior before and during the pandemic.
According to researchers, the study began just as Saskatchewan was imposing COVID-19 restrictions. Zello said this timing ensured that the dietary and activity habits of students before and during the pandemic were “fresh” in their minds.
“Because pre-pandemic studies have already shown that college students are a vulnerable group to inadequate diet and physical activity, the steps taken to curb the COVID-19 pandemic are theirs. It gave us a unique opportunity to look at further impacts on our lives, “said Zero.
Studies show that during the pandemic, students consumed less food each day than before.
As the pandemic continued, students reduced meat by 20%, dairy products by 44%, and vegetables by 45%, according to researchers.
They drank much less caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and tea, but Zero said students’ alcohol consumption had “significantly increased.” He added that these eating habits can have serious health consequences after a pandemic.
“This dietary deficiency, combined with prolonged sedentary behavior and reduced physical activity, can increase the health risk of this unique population during COVID-19 confinement and at the end of the pandemic,” Zello said. I explained in the release.
The researchers behind the study pointed out that “some reasons” may explain changes in students’ eating habits.
Zello’s public health measures taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19, such as shortening grocery store hours and restaurant closures, limit students’ shopping frequency and healthy eating options. Said there is a possibility.
Student fitness
Previous studies have shown that the psychological distress caused by the coronavirus is associated with a “poor diet, especially increased alcohol consumption.” With that in mind, the study states that students may be eating less to counteract lack of exercise and “increased sedentary tendencies.”
Researchers found that only 16% of the students surveyed met Canadian guidelines for moderate to intense physical activity of 150 minutes a week prior to the pandemic. They say they “further reduced” to 9.6 percent during COVID-19.
Of those who met Canada’s activity guidelines before the pandemic, researchers say 90 percent were less active.
Studies show that the amount of time spent on “sitting behavior” has increased by 3 hours a day to about 11 hours, even when sitting or lying down with little energy expenditure. ..
“There is no doubt that measures such as the closure of gymnasiums and other recreational facilities by universities and other private and public facilities in the state have resulted in reduced levels of physical activity,” the study said.
Researchers say another reason for the decline in physical activity may be that many students were no longer walking to school after the university moved to a distance learning format.
According to the survey, 55% of the students surveyed were hired before the pandemic, and only 49% were hired in the months that followed, resulting in an overall decline in activity.
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