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How to stay safe with loose new rapidly spreading coronavirus mutants

How to stay safe with loose new rapidly spreading coronavirus mutants


(Conversations are an independent, non-profit source of news, analysis, and commentary from academic experts.)

(Conversation) People are wondering that a rapidly spreading variant of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 has been found in at least 10 states.

We saw what a new variant, known as B.1.1.7, could do when it spread rapidly to southeast England in December, the number of cases surged, and stricter blockades were invoked. ..

The new variants are estimated to be 50% more susceptible to infection than the common variants, but they also appear to affect people’s health as well. The increase in infectivity is thought to result from changes in the viral peplomer that allow the virus to enter cells more easily. These and other studies on new variants were released prior to peer review and quickly shared findings.

In addition, there is some evidence that patients infected with the new B.1.1.7 variant may have high viral load. This means that breathing, talking, and sneezing can result in more particles containing the virus being shed.

As a professor of fluid dynamics and aerosols, I will investigate how airborne particles carrying viruses spread. There’s still a lot that scientists and doctors don’t know about the coronavirus and its mutations, but there are some clear strategies that people can use to protect themselves.

Levitating particles are still the biggest problem

Subspecies of SARS-CoV-2 are thought to spread primarily in the air rather than on the surface.

Infectious respiratory droplets can be released into the air when a person with coronavirus in the respiratory tract coughs, speaks, sings, or breathes. These droplets are small, mainly in the range of 1-100 micrometers. For comparison, human hair is about 70 micrometers in diameter.

Large droplets quickly fall to the ground and are rarely more than 6 feet away from the source. The bigger problem with the transmission of the disease is the smallest droplets (those less than 10 micrometers in diameter), which can remain suspended in the air as aerosols for hours at a time.

Everyone needs to take special precautions and precautions because the body is high in viruses and can be highly infectious. Wearing a face mask and increasing social distance are essential.

Spaces and activities that were previously considered “safe,” such as some indoor work environments, can increase the risk of infection as the variant spreads.

The concentration of aerosol particles is usually highest right next to the individual that emits the particles and decreases with distance from the source. However, in an indoor environment, aerosol concentration levels can rise rapidly, similar to the accumulation of cigarette smoke in an enclosed space. This is especially problematic in poorly ventilated areas.

In new variants, aerosol concentration levels that may not have previously pose a risk can lead to infection.

What can you do to stay safe?

1) Pay attention to the type of face mask used and its compatibility.

Most off-the-shelf face covers are not 100% effective in preventing the emission of droplets. It is important to choose a cover covered with the most effective material to stop the spread of droplets, as new variants spread more easily and are more likely to be transmitted at low concentrations.

When available, N95 and surgical masks consistently perform best. Otherwise, a face cover that uses multiple layers of material is desirable. Ideally, the material should be a tight weave. An example is cotton sheets with a large number of threads. A good fit is also important, as the gap around the nose and mouth can reduce the effect by 50%.

2) Follow the guidelines for social distance.

Although current social distance guidelines are not complete (6 feet is not always sufficient), they provide a useful starting point. Aerosol levels and infectivity are highest in the space immediately surrounding a person infected with the virus, so increasing the physical distance can reduce the risk. Do not expect to see signs of illness, as people are infectious before they begin to show symptoms and many never show symptoms.

3) When entering a closed area, carefully consider the environment, both for ventilation and for people’s interactions.

Limiting the size of the gathering helps reduce the chance of exposure. Controlling the indoor environment in other ways is also a very effective strategy for mitigating risk. This includes increasing ventilation to take in fresh air and filtering existing air to dilute the aerosol concentration.

At the personal level, it is helpful to pay attention to the type of interaction that is occurring. For example, when many people scream, they can be at higher risk than one person speaks. In either case, it’s important to minimize the amount of time you spend indoors with others.

The CDC warns that B.1.1.7 could become the major SARS-CoV-2 variant in the United States by March. Other rapidly prevailing variants have also been found in Brazil and South Africa. Increased vigilance and adherence to health guidelines should continue to be top priorities.

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This article has been republished from Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article here:

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