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Studies explain why some people report “listening to the dead”


Has been updated:
January 19, 2021 01:14 IS

Washington [US], January 19 (ANI): A study led by Durham University may explain why some people eventually adopt the beliefs of spiritualists and engage in the practice of “listening to the dead.” not.
Reason: Spiritualist media can be prone to immersive mental activity and abnormal auditory experiences early in life.
According to a study led by Durham University, the medium that “listens” to the mind is said to be experiencing clairvoyant communication rather than clairvoyant (“seeing”) or clairvoyant (“feeling” or “sensing”) communication. I will. Published in the journal “Mental Health, Religion, Culture”.
The researchers conducted a survey of 65 Claire Audience spiritualist media from the National Union of Spiritualists and 143 members of the general population in the largest scientific study of the experience of Claire Audience media.
They found that these spiritualists tended to absorb-characteristics associated with the experience of immersion in mental or imaginative activity or a state of altered consciousness.
The medium is also more likely to report the experience of anomalous auditory phenomena, such as the auditory voice, which often occur early in life.
Many who experience absorption and hallucinations encounter spiritualist beliefs when looking for the meaning and supernatural importance behind their extraordinary experience.
The findings are published in the journals Mental Health, Religion and Culture. This study is part of Hearing the Voice. This is a Durham University-based, Wellcome Trust-funded interdisciplinary study of speech and hearing.
Spiritualism is a religious movement based on the following ideas. Human souls will continue to exist after death and communicate with the living through media or psychics.
There is a growing interest in spiritualism in the UK, and several organizations support, train and provide services to practice the media. One of the largest SNUs claims to serve at least 11,000 members through training colleges, churches and centers.
Through their work, researchers gathered detailed explanations of how the medium experiences the “voice” of the spirit, comparing levels of absorption, hallucinatory tendencies, aspects of identity, and beliefs in paranormal phenomena. ..
They found that 44.6% of spiritualist participants reported hearing the deceased’s voice daily, and 33.8% reported experiences of hearing loss within the final day.
For the majority (79%), the experience of auditory spiritual communication is part of their daily lives, both when they are alone, when they are working as a medium, or when they attend a spiritualist church. Said it happened in.

Although the spirit was heard primarily in the head (65.1%), 31.7% of spiritualist participants said they could hear the spirit’s voice both inside and outside the head.
When evaluated by the measure of absorption and how strongly they believe in paranormal phenomena, spiritualists scored much higher than the average person.
Spiritualists are less likely to care that others are thinking about themselves in general, and have also scored high scores for their tendency to experience anomalous hallucinatory hearing experiences.
Studies have shown that both high levels of absorption and propensity for such auditory phenomena were associated with more frequent reports of Claire Audient Communication.
In the general population, absorption was associated with the level of belief in paranormal phenomena, but there was no significant corresponding association between belief and hallucinogenic tendencies.
Also, there was no difference in the level of superstitious beliefs and hallucinatory tendencies between spiritual and non-spiritual participants.
Spiritualists reported that they first experienced a Claire audience with an average age of 21.7 years. However, 18% of spiritualists reported having a “as far as I can remember” experience of Claire Audience, and 71% had never encountered spiritualism as a religious movement before their first experience. ..
Researchers say their findings have learned to have a certain level of expectation and belief in paranormal phenomena that lead to experiences of mental communication, suggesting that they are not succumbing to social pressure.
Instead, some people are uniquely susceptible to absorption and are more likely to report anomalous auditory experiences that occur early in life. For many of these individuals, spiritualist beliefs are accepted because they are meaningfully consistent with their unique personal experience.
Dr. Adam Powell, a senior researcher at the Hearing the Voice project at Durham University and the Faculty of Theology and Religion, said: “Our findings say a lot about’learning and longing’. Childhood experiences and the frequent auditory phenomena they experience as a medium of practice.
“But all of these experiences can result from having certain tendencies and early abilities, rather than simply believing in the possibility of contact with the dead if you work hard enough.”
Dr. Peter Mosely, co-author of the study at the University of Northumbria, commented: It may also help us to better understand the painful or uncontrollable experience of hearing. “
Durham researchers are currently engaged in further research into Claire Audience and Mediumship, working with practitioners to better see what it would be like to be on the receiving side of such an unusual and meaningful experience. I have a complete grasp. (ANI)


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