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Green Mediterranean diet cuts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in half

Green Mediterranean diet cuts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in half


According to a long-term clinical intervention study led by researchers at Ben Gurion University of Negev, the Green Mediterranean (MED) diet reduces intrahepatic fat and causes non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) more than other healthy diets. Reduce it in half. A team of international colleagues.

The survey results have been published at Intestines, A major international journal focusing on gastroenterology and hepatology.

“Our research team and other groups over the last two decades have proven through rigorous, randomized long-term trials that the Mediterranean diet is the healthiest,” said an epidemiologist at the BGU School of Public Health. Said Professor Iris Shai, a senior researcher. Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Public Health, Harvard University. “Now we’ve found elements that can refine that diet and bring about dramatic changes in liver fat and other important health factors.” Another Harvard University researcher is a professor. .. Meir Stampfer and Frank Hu, chairs of the Faculty of Nutrition at Chan School.

NAFLD affects 25% to 30% of people in the United States and Europe. Some fats are normal in the liver, but excess fat (5% or more) causes insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular risk, reduced gut flora diversity, and microbial imbalance. .. Currently, there are no drugs available to treat fatty liver, so the only interventions are weight loss and reduced alcohol consumption.

Conducted by an international research team led by Professor Shy, this MRI nutrition clinical trial (called Direct-Plus) is the first person to develop and test a new green Mediterranean diet. This modified MED diet is rich in vegetables and includes a daily intake of walnuts (28 grams) and unprocessed lean meat. It is rich in polyphenol-rich green ingredients, such as 3-4 cups of green tea a day and 100 grams (frozen cubes / day) of Mankai Green Shake. Mankai, an aquatic green plant also known as Spirodela polyrhizus, is rich in biologically available proteins, iron, B12, vitamins, minerals, and polyphenols.

“Addressing this common liver disease through targeted lifestyle interventions may promote more effective nutritional strategies,” said Dr. Dr., lead author and member of the BGU School of Public Health. Anat Yaskolka-Meir says. “This clinical trial demonstrates an effective nutritional tool for NAFLD beyond weight loss.”

The 18-month trial DIRECT-PLUS began in 2017 at the Nuclear Research Center Negev in Dimona, Israel, where 294 workers in their 50s with abdominal obesity had a healthy diet, a Mediterranean diet, and greenery. Randomly divided into three groups of Mediterranean diets. In addition to the diet, all participants were given exercise therapy with free gym membership. Participants underwent MRI scans before and after the study to quantify the exact percentage of excess intrahepatic fat.

The results showed that all diets lead to a decrease in liver fat. However, the Green MED diet resulted in the greatest reduction in liver fat (-39%) compared to the traditional Mediterranean diet (-20%) and healthy diet guidelines (-12%). After adjusting for weight loss, the results were significant.

Overall, the Green MED diet resulted in a dramatic reduction in fatty liver. The prevalence of NAFLD decreased from 62% at baseline to 31.5% in the green Mediterranean group, 47.9% in the Mediterranean group, and 54.8% in the healthy diet group.

Specifically, high intakes of mankai and walnuts and low intakes of lean / processed meats, after controlling other variables, were significantly associated with the degree of IHF loss. Both MED groups had significantly higher total plasma polyphenol levels. More specific polyphenols found in walnuts and Mankai were detected in the green MED group. Researchers hypothesize that the effects of polyphenols and the reduction of lean meat play a role in reducing liver fat.

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