Anxious coronavirus variants are being found in more and more outbreaks in California. In the outbreak in San Jose, aerial-powered Christmas tree costumes led to 90 infections. According to news reports..
Scientists still don’t know if a mutant called L452R is more susceptible to infection than other strains of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. However, its presence in multiple unrelated outbreaks warns health authorities.
“The fact that this variant was identified in several outbreaks in our county is a danger signal and needs further investigation,” said Sarah Cody, Health Officer, Santa Clara County. Said in a statement..
L452R variant B.1.1.7 variant First discovered in the United Kingdom, then in Colorado and nine other US states.Researchers have a B.1.1.7 variant Increased infectivity by 50% and 74% Than standard Coronavirus Strain.That new stock may be Dominate US Coronavirus Cases by MarchConsidering the tendency to spread. Fortunately, the vaccine may work against the B.1.1.7 variant, which puts serious pressure on the health system and increases deaths before most of the general population is vaccinated. There is a possibility.
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Little is known about the L452R. The variant was first detected in May 2020, but has become more and more common since the Eureka Times StandardThe L452R variant was found in approximately 3.8% of cases targeted for gene sequencing in November. From late December to early January, mutants appeared in 25.2% of sequenced virus samples. However, the number of sequenced samples is relatively small and the sequencing is not even throughout the state. According to the Santa Clara County Public Health Service, new variants have been found in Santa Clara County, Humboldt, Lake, Los Angeles, Mono, Monterey, Orange, Riverside, San Francisco, San Bernardino, San Diego, and San Luis Obispo County. However, it is premature to say the number of cases caused by the L452R variant throughout California.
Just for a specific reason Virus Just because a variety begins to cast a shadow over others does not necessarily mean that the strain is more contagious. At times, tensions are fortunate and multiply in themselves at some Superspreader events that cause even more infections throughout the community. The rise in L452R is consistent with the surge in coronavirus cases in California, and infectious disease expert Trevor Bedford allows mutations to be “carried by spikes, not cause spikes.” I made it. Said on twitter..
Researchers are worried about L452R, but some of its mutations affect the virus’s peplomer, which is the key the virus uses to invade cells. Peplomers are the target of several promising vaccines still under trial, including the Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccines, as well as the Novavax and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. Mutations to peplomers may make these variants of SARS-CoV-2 less susceptible to the vaccine.
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“This mutant has three mutations, including L452R, in the peplomer used by the virus to attach and invade cells, and is two targets. vaccine “Currently available in the United States,” said Charles Chiu, a virologist at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) who is tracking the variant. “This variant is growing in the community. It turns out that we are prioritizing it for research. Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco and elsewhere have found that the virus is more infectious or affects vaccine performance. You will be able to perform important laboratory experiments to decide whether to give. “
While some people are vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine, it is important for new variants such as L452R to maintain social distance precautions until enough people are vaccinated to slow the spread of the virus. It emphasizes a reason.
“It’s too early to know if this variant will spread more rapidly than other variants, but to slow the spread of the virus, all Californians wear masks and work with people outside the home. It certainly strengthens the need to reduce the mix of viruses, “Pan said. statement. “We also strongly recommend that anyone exposed to the virus be quarantined from others to protect themselves and their loved ones.”
Originally published in Live Science.