Childhood negligence leaves a mark of generations
Childhood experience can have a significant impact on brain development and neurobiological health. New studies show that these effects may be passed on to the next generation, with infants of mothers experiencing emotional negligence in childhood undergoing changes in brain circuits involved in fear responses and anxiety. Reported as shown.
The study will be displayed in Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging..
“These results are Brain development Dr. Cassandra Hendrix of the Faculty of Psychology, Emory University, is the lead author of this study. Dr. Cassandra Hendrix is not only shaped by what is happening in our own lives, but before we become pregnant. It’s also affected by what happened to my parents. ” University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Dr. Hendrix and her colleagues studied 48 black mother-child pairs, starting in the first semester of pregnancy.Mother was given a questionnaire to evaluate Childhood trauma (Experience of early abuse or forget).The· Mother’s The current prenatal stress level and anxiety and depression were also evaluated.At 1 month of age, the baby underwent a brain scan using rest Functional magnetic resonance Imaging, a non-invasive technique that can be used while the baby is sleeping naturally.
“These amazing results leverage our ability to image the brain and its function very early in life,” said editor Cameron Carter, MD. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging..
Researchers have focused on the brain connection between the amygdala and the other two amygdala, which are central to the processing of terrifying emotions. Area of the brain: Prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex. Both areas play important roles in coordinating emotions.Baby whose mother experienced childhood Emotional negligence There was a strong functional connection between the amygdala and the cortical area.
After controlling the mother’s current stress levels, researchers found that the more emotional negligence the mother experienced in her childhood, the more strongly the baby’s amygdala was associated with the frontal cortex region. Did. Physical abuse or neglect of the mother did not correlate with stronger ties. The findings suggest that emotional negligence in children affects generational effects on brain structure and function.
Dr. Hendrix said the importance of stronger ties remains unclear. “Nerve signs observed in emotionally neglected mothers’ 1-month-old infants may be a mechanism that increases the risk of anxiety, or promotes resilience when the infant’s caregiver is scarce. In both cases, the mother’s own emotional negligence from childhood seems to leave the baby with neurological signs, which is the environment from the time the baby was almost born. May predispose to more easily detect threats. For the next generation. “
“The findings add evidence of intergenerational results of childhood adversity, such as mother’s negligence,” Dr. Carter added. “Future studies that track children longitudinally will help us understand the functional importance of these changes. brain It works in terms of emotional and social development of the children of mothers who have experienced early neglect. ”
Cassandra L. Hendrix et al, maternal childhood adversity is associated with neonatal frontoamygdala connectivity. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging (2020). DOI: 10.1016 / j.bpsc.2020.11.003
Quote: Childhood negligence is a trace of the generation obtained on January 19, 2021 from https: // (January 19, 2021) ) Leave
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