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Can Androgen Therapy Be an Alternative Treatment for Breast Cancer?

Can Androgen Therapy Be an Alternative Treatment for Breast Cancer?


Androgens are a group of hormones that are known to primarily affect the growth and development of the male reproductive system and give men “male” characteristics. Androgens, commonly referred to as male hormones, are also found at low levels in women. The main androgens are testosterone and androstenedione. An international research team is proposing androgen therapy as a potential treatment for estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer. Read again- Breast Cancer in Men: Signs and Symptoms of Warning Warnings

Women have two major sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen is involved in the development and maintenance of the female reproductive system and physical features such as the breast and pubic hair. Men also have estrogen, but in small amounts. Abnormal estrogen activity is associated with the majority of breast cancers.Abundant clinical evidence suggests that androgens usually inhibit breast growth, but the role of hormones is breast cancer This is a controversial issue. Read again- be careful!Breast depressions can be a sign of breast cancer

An international team of researchers from the University of Adelaide and the Garvan Institute of Medical Research has discovered the active role of androgens in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer with estrogen receptors. Their research results were published in a paper published in Nature Medicine. Read again- Avoid sexual dysfunction: having multiple partners may actually be good for you

Breast Cancer Treatment: Androgen Therapy and Endocrine Therapy

Hormone therapy is recommended for women with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer. Breast cancer cells have receptors (proteins) that attach to either estrogen (ER) or progesterone (PR) hormones and help them grow.Breast cancer with receptors estrogen It is called estrogen receptor positive (or ER positive). It is estimated that about 80% of all breast cancers are ER positive. Endocrine therapies used to treat these types of breast cancer use drugs that lower estrogen levels or block estrogen receptors.

Endocrine therapy is considered the standard treatment for estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer, but resistance to these drugs is a major cause of breast cancer mortality, researchers say in a new study.

They said the need for alternative treatment strategies renewed interest in androgen therapy for breast cancer. Androgens were previously used to treat breast cancer but were discontinued due to the side effects of virilization and the advent of anti-estrogen endocrine therapy.

In cell line and patient-derived models, the team found that activation of androgen receptors by native orrogens or new androgen drugs was potent in all estrogen receptor-positive breast cancers, including those resistant to current standard treatments. It was found to have antitumor activity. .. However, androgen receptor inhibitors were ineffective.

Good news for women with metastatic estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer

The findings have a direct impact on women with metastatic estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer, including women who are resistant to current endocrine therapy, said Professor Teresa Hicky, who led the study.

Another team member, Professor Tilley, added that it provides compelling evidence that androgen receptor stimulants are more effective than existing (such as tamoxifen) or new (such as palbociclib) standard treatments. It was.

According to researchers, currently available selective androgen receptor activators lack the unwanted side effects of natural androgens. In addition, these drugs may also promote female bone, muscle and mental health.

This alternative treatment strategy has been found to be effective in multiple stages of breast cancer in this study. Researchers are now hoping to translate these findings into clinical trials as a new class of endocrine therapy for breast cancer.They have their discovery processing It also helps prevent breast cancer and helps prevent breast cancer and treat other disorders caused by estrogen.

With agency input

Published: January 19, 2021 16:11 | Updated: January 19, 2021 16:21

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