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Update Task Force Leader: Not enough COVID-19 vaccine to meet growing demand | Coronavirus


Pennsylvania has expanded its eligibility for the COVID-19 vaccine, but current supply is not currently meeting increasing demand, according to the head of the Federal Vaccine Task Force.

“We are fully aware that there are not enough vaccines to meet demand at this time,” Cindy Findley, Deputy Secretary of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention at the Ministry of Health, told a media briefing Tuesday. It was.

Findley represented Health Secretary Rachel Levine, who came to power in the presidential election of Joe Biden.

The Department of Health has previously confirmed that the Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services has stated that there is no expected stockpile of vaccines that were expected to be given one million doses in Pennsylvania alone.

It happened after Health and Welfare Secretary Alex Azar said last week that the non-existent stockpile would be released to provide a second dose of the double dose vaccine. The Pennsylvania Department of Health said the exposure delayed access but did not completely discontinue the second dose. The state receives limited supplies each week.

The Pennsylvania distribution program Phase 1A extension allows anyone over the age of 65 to schedule a vaccine. Pregnant women are now eligible with people between the ages of 16 and 64 who have serious medical conditions such as cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease, and sickle cell disease. ..

A complete list of qualified individuals by category is available at the following URL: There are also links to help people answer simple quizzes to qualify and an interactive map showing the providers currently participating in the vaccination program. A green dot means that your provider has a vaccine. A red dot means that the participating providers are not. The links in the map can be used by qualified people to make reservations.

There are eight vaccine distribution sites throughout the valley. Evangelical Community Hospital in Lewisburg. Geisinger Medical Center, Geisinger Encompass Health Rehabilitation, Select Specialty Hospital, all Geisinger Danville Campus, Danville Pharmacy and Danville State Hospital; Shamokin Community Health Center and Shamokin Rite Aid. By Tuesday night, all sites except Select Specialty Hospital and Shamokin Health Center were marked green. The expected waiting time for scheduling a Rite Aid booking was one hour just before 5 pm on Tuesday.

Evangelical hospital managers learned about expansion at the same time as the general public went on Tuesday. Brian Wolfe, vice president of Clinic and Physician Practices, said the volume of calls from people seeking vaccines increased as the word spread. Hospital staff sought to adjust the distribution plan to meet the new guidelines, but he said expanding appointments would not be accepted until next week to give time to determine the efficient distribution of the vaccine. Stated.

“Our plan has shifted to include the Phase 1A subcategory for the elderly and adults with underlying illness. We plan to begin the vaccine registration process as early as next week,” Wolfe said.

visit Monitor the hospital’s social media for the latest information about vaccines, including how to register.

Findley urged all unvaccinated healthcare professionals to use the map to make an immediate appointment.

“We hear from vaccine providers that they have vaccinated all unaffiliated health care workers in their area. Yet, at the same time, contact from unvaccinated health care workers. There is, “says Findley.


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