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UK Covid live: Boris Johnson asks about timing of border measures and loss of police records | Politics

UK Covid live: Boris Johnson asks about timing of border measures and loss of police records | Politics


One of PMQ’s theories is that when opposition leaders appear to line up for a clear “victory,” they become harvesters. It doesn’t always work that way, but in some ways it worked today. As the former head of CPS, Sir Keir Stamer probably understands the importance of data from. police A national computer that is better than anyone else in Commons. But he made little progress with the four questions on this topic, and even worse with the last two questions at Covid and the border.

On the plus side, Starmer arrived with clear, specific and detailed questions-usually. PMQ (And at a press conference). “How many criminal investigations could have been harmed by this mistake?” “How many convicted criminals accidentally deleted their records?” And Starmer’s best moment Was when I answered the first slightly awkward reply I received from Johnson.

That is not the answer to my question. And that was the most basic question. That was the first question the Prime Minister would have asked the people explaining to him.

This was effective because Johnson encapsulated one of the main concerns people have as Prime Minister and one that is well-founded in reality. So he’s not very good at details.

However, from that point on, Starmer’s attack line seemed to weaken. There are probably two reasons. First, Johnson may not have answered some of Starmer’s questions, but he gave a reasonable response. “I don’t know how many cases are frustrating as a result of what happened,” Johnson said. It’s natural for the public to get angry with politicians when they dodge questions, but I feel like I got it from Johnson because I recognize that “I don’t know” is an honest answer.

The second issue of Starmer’s strategy was the broader one. Opposition politicians and the media love to criticize the government for such major administrative failures, and it’s naive that they pretend not to be a problem, but voters are also under all administrations. I am aware that cock-up will occur. Priti Patel, And Johnson himself did not personally blame what had happened. The government is vulnerable to policy decisions by ministers. As for administrative issues, this is generally not the case.

Starmer used the last two questions to ask why Johnson didn’t do what Priti Patel advised last March and closed the border. Perhaps border control made a difference. But Johnson could knock back this very easily, saying the Labor Party didn’t want to close the border at the time. 11.44am) I had to set LOTO to ring some alarm bells when Starmer was drafting the script. Whatever the merits of this particular issue, being willing to dismiss Patel in terms of policy is generally one of Johnson’s strengths, not one of his weaknesses.


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