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Hamilton Public Health Does Not Know How Many Care Staff Vaccinated COVID-19


Hamilton Health Sciences Expect not to get a quarter of employees COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears vaccine.

“Vaccination is not mandatory,” the hospital network said in a statement.

This is important given that Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) has approximately 15,000 staff, doctors, students and volunteers. As a result, there could be as many as 3,750 staff members left. Unprotected..

The Ontario Medical Association (OMA) issued a warning on Wednesday about the urgent need to combat false information spreading on social media. COVID vaccine..

Approximately 6,500 staff from HHS and St. Joseph Healthcare were vaccinated as of Monday, HHS said. That’s almost 30 percent of St. Joseph’s workforce, including 7,000.

In the meantime, public health has several residents and staff Elderly home Even though this vulnerable group is a top priority, it is vaccinated.

As of January 14, the last number offered to spectators was 4,300 of the 6,200 qualified staff and critical caregivers in the city’s long-term care facilities and high-risk retirement homes.

However, given that only 2,500 hospital staff were vaccinated between January 14th and January 18th, that number could change significantly.

As of Wednesday, mobile clinics are vaccinated with 4,594 in long-term care and high-risk retirement homes. However, public health cannot classify who was vaccinated, except that the majority are resident.

As of Thursday, the total number of people vaccinated in Hamilton was not provided. It was 13,400 on Monday.

Public health has stated in a statement that it does not have access to “reliable and consistent” data, but the reason is not clear. There is also a question as to why the number of vaccinated staff was provided on January 14th but is not currently provided.

Hamilton Health Officer Dr. Elizabeth Richardson blamed the state at a city briefing on Monday.

“The challenge is that the system we are using that the state has introduced does not give us a breakdown. When we are at home, we do not collect information from the perspective of residents and staff.” She said. .. “There is no staff to count the number of papers.”

However, the Ministry of Health suggested in a statement Thursday that public health should be able to provide data.

The breakdown of vaccinated people is the latest information that is no longer publicly available as Hamilton stopped reporting the doses at hand, citing the state Gag Order on January 11.

This is also important given the question of a large number of hospital staff being vaccinated when long-term care seems to be a priority. When Hamilton last had an equivalent number on January 14, it showed that 4,300 staff from seniors’ homes and 4,000 hospital staff were vaccinated.

The Toronto Star reported Thursday that only about 48 percent of Ontario’s more than 72,000 long-term care home residents were vaccinated.

Richardson, along with HHS and St. Joseph, states that only front-line hospital workers, especially those working in emergency departments, intensive care units, and COVID wards, are vaccinated.

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However, the spectator has obtained a document stating that St. Joseph Healthcare staff will evaluate for themselves which of the four priority groups they should belong to.

“You will be asked which of the four groups it applies to,” said a message dated January 6 from Interim Chief of Staff Dr. David Russell and Dr. Cheryl Williams, Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer for Clinical Operations. I am. “Four groups are done in sequence.”

In a statement, St. Joseph said staff were given a list of criteria for deciding which order or priority was most appropriate.

“Everyone has signed a proof of accuracy,” the statement said. “A preliminary audit of this process suggests that the majority of people in sequence 1 who received the vaccine were appropriate.”

St. Joseph does not say how inappropriate or what he is doing.

This document outlines how workers in each group are put into the lottery “to determine who is vaccinated daily” and scheduled once a name is selected.

This was at the top of the “standby list” where staff came at the very end of the vaccine dose left at the end of the clinic day — “to make sure there was no waste.”

This document suggests that after January 7th, “every individual who signs up will be subject to a random selection process.”

So far, 2,000 of the 6,500 vaccinated Hamilton Hospital staff are from St. Joseph.

“Vaccination is highly recommended,” the message said.

Doctors in Ontario said that among people of all ages, especially those under the age of 34, “doubts and false information about how thoroughly the vaccine was tested or the extent of side effects are widely shared on social media. I have. ”

They found that people between the ages of 45 and 65 wanted more “transparency” in their deployment.


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