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Extroverts are more successful in training dogs than introverts


Along Christa Lesté-Lasserre

Dog and young woman

Extroverts seem to find it easier to improve their dog’s behavior than introverts

Kevin Kozicki / Image Source / Getty Images

Dogs with certain types of behavioral problems are more likely to show improvement during training if their owners are outgoing and open-minded.

After comparing human personality with the success of behavioral training, scientists discovered: IntrovertIntimacy, and even integrity, are associated with less behavioral changes in some types of unwanted dogs, such as aggression and fear.

This information may help veterinarians identify Dog owner Laurene Powell of the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School, who co-led the study, says a pair who may need further help during training.


For six months, Powell and her colleagues tracked 131 dogs and their owners who attended a training session with a veterinarian at the University of Pennsylvania and conducted an initial behavioral assessment of each dog. Dogs had a variety of problems, including aggression against people and dogs, tracking cars and animals, general fear, separation anxiety, excessive bark, and fear of being touched.

The owner underwent a personality test and provided information about the dog through a global dog research database, including: C-BARQ.. The researchers also used a survey to assess how attached each dog and owner were to each other.

Powell says the most important factor influencing success was how bad the dog’s behavior was from the beginning. Those who took the worst actions improved the most in 6 months, probably because they were able to get a lot from their training.

Reviewing previous studies, the group also stated that younger dogs improved more than older dogs, and the stronger the attachment of the pair, the more successful the training.

But their study also Human personality It plays a role in corrective training for certain unwanted behaviors.

For example, dogs that are generally afraid or afraid to be touched if they have an owner have made further progress during treatment. Extroverted.. And those who embraced the new experience tended to have dogs that were increasingly less afraid of other dogs. Probably because these owners have more aggressively adopted veterinary recommendations, Powell says.

Charlotte Duranton, head of Ethodog, a dog behavior research facility and clinic near Paris, found that dogs and their owners tend to “synchronize” their behavior with each other, especially in social situations. It’s good.

“When a dog faces a new stimulus, such as an unfamiliar person, dog, or thing, it sees the reaction of its owner and knows how to behave,” says Duranton. Therefore, it is important for professionals to remember this during behavioral training. “Not just dogs [partner] I will consider it, “she says.

For more conscientious people, Powell says her data showed that their dogs weren’t particularly aggressive against strangers despite six months of retraining. However, these results may be somewhat affected by the fact that the owner himself reported on the behavior of the dog. “A conscientious person may see a dog’s behavior differently than a non-conscientious person,” she says.

Journal reference: Veterinary frontier, DOI: 10.3389 / fvets.2020.630931

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