Covid: Is it possible to spread the coronavirus after vaccination? Can I get a passport?
Eleanor Raleigh
BBC news
More than 5 million adults in the UK have been vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine at least once.
What are the rules for vaccinated people?
If I have been vaccinated, can I spread the coronavirus?
A few weeks after the second vaccination, the chances of getting a serious illness with the coronavirus are much lower.
What is not well understood is whether vaccination can prevent someone from catching the virus and infecting others.
Do I have to comply with blockade restrictions?
Vaccinated people still have to comply with blockade restrictions.
“It is important that everyone after vaccination continue to follow these rules,” said Health Minister Matt Hancock, in order to reduce the number of cases and protect himself.
However, widespread vaccination is expected to eventually bring some or all of the population closer to normal.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the deployment of the vaccine will help people “regain everything about our lives and our lives we love.”
Will the UK introduce a vaccine passport?
At this time, vaccinated people will receive a record card and the vaccination will remain in their medical records.
A “vaccine passport” can be extended by allowing people to prove their status and even do certain things.
Some countries and companies are already working on apps and digital certificates.
Vaccine Minister Nadym Zahawi previously said the UK government was “considering technology” to create a vaccine passport.
Not only is this useful for GP Places like bars and restaurants “probably also use that system”, He said.
But the next day, Cabinet Office Minister Michael Gove said the vaccine passport was “not a plan,” but companies could “decide who to admit and why.”
Developer UK Digital Vaccines and Immunity Passports We would like to provide the technology to the local health authorities.
They may find that the data can help determine how areas of different stages of vaccine deployment allow the return to work, school, and “the kind of life people want to live”. It states.
Can employers and businesses request proof of vaccination?
Plumbing company Pimlico Plumbers, Demand vaccinations from workers, And may not continue those who do not obey.
However, Ella Bond, an hiring lawyer for Harper James’ recruiters, states that it is illegal to vaccinate demanding staff in “the majority of situations.”
She said it could lead to unfair dismissal and allegations of discrimination. The exception is when it is “work important” for people to be vaccinated. For example, a caregiver or a role that requires an overseas trip.
Another question is whether a company can refuse to serve unvaccinated customers.
Saga, who specializes in vacations in their 50s and above, refers to 2021 vacation or cruise passengers Must be completely vaccinated..
Australian Airlines Qantas says travelers will eventually need to prove coronavirus vaccination Board the flight..
What did other countries do?
- Estonia The United Nations Health Organization has created an electronic vaccination certificate known as the “Smart Yellow Card”
- Denmark We are developing a digital vaccine passport to prove that citizens have jabs
- Spain is Database compilation Number of vaccine denials shared with the European Union.This ensures that no one was accidentally missed on the vaccination list, the Minister of Health said.
- Greece Seeking vaccination certificates that work in all Member States to support travel
- Microsoft, Mayo Clinic Other companies are developing ways to store encrypted vaccination records in a “digital wallet” on the phone. Scannable QR codes help people “return safely to travel, work, school and life”.
Is my vaccine passport correct?
Many countries are already asking travelers to prove vaccination against diseases such as yellow fever.
But some Scholar And Human rights group Fearing a vaccine passport can lead to discrimination against those who are waiting for the vaccine, who cannot get the vaccine, or who do not want the vaccine.
However, the Oxford Kamihiro Practical Ethics Center team suggests that it is “unethical” to isolate people who have little or no risk of spreading the coronavirus.
“If you have the technology to determine who is not at risk, you should use it,” they said. Medical journal lancet..
They argue that relaxing restrictions on low-risk individuals will benefit society as a whole, whether it is caring for Covid patients, isolated visits, or the reopening of small businesses.
It may also encourage people to have jabs.
“Some people are enthusiastic about vaccination, others are uncertain and more freedom can be an incentive,” lead author Dr. Rebecca Brown told the BBC.
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