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AHA News: Anxiety is associated with smoking – but still hazy – Consumer Health News

AHA News: Anxiety is associated with smoking – but still hazy – Consumer Health News


Friday, January 22, 2021 (American Heart Association News)-In these stressful pandemic times, health professionals have a reason to return to the relationship between anxiety and smoking: does anxiety cause people to smoke? ?? Or does smoking cause anxiety?

Like many other aspects of mental health and addiction, there are no truncated conclusions.

“I think we’ve created more questions on this subject than answers,” said Brian Hitsman, an associate professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problem in the United States, affecting 15% to 19% of the adult population, from phobias and panic attacks to intense fear of social conditions and chronic anxiety. It covers.

Smoking rates in the United States have declined over the last 50 years, but about one in five adults in the United States (50.6 million) will be in 2019, according to the latest data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in November. Also reports smoking, e-cigarettes, or the use of other tobacco products. Prevention. The data also showed that 45% of people with severe anxiety use tobacco. Even people with mild anxiety use tobacco in 30%. However, for those who report little or no anxiety, only 18% use tobacco.

Other studies have shown that smokers have a higher incidence of anxiety disorders than the general population. However, according to a study published last year in Current Psychiatry Reports, despite the “solid evidence” linking smoking and anxiety, “the exact role of anxiety in the consequences of smoking initiation, severity, and cessation is considerable. There is a discrepancy between them. “

Lorra Gayrey, the lead author of the study, said alcohol and substance abuse could obscure the true link. Another complex factor is the two-way relationship between smoking and anxiety.

Gary, an assistant professor of research at the University of Houston, said:

“These things are so interrelated that it’s hard to break them apart,” she said. “Ultimately, more rigorous research is needed to actually track the different factors in order to fully understand the different factors.”

Another problem, according to Hitsman, is that smokers often misunderstand that having cigarettes relieves anxiety.

“It’s in their minds that smoking is an effective way to manage mental distress, but it probably only makes them feel better because it helps manage their nicotine withdrawal,” he says. It was. “Smoking actually increases your heart rate and causes body changes that are the opposite of relaxation.”

In fact, smoking causes havoc throughout the cardiovascular system, releasing chemicals that damage and clog arteries, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes.

It is difficult to determine if tobacco use and anxiety rates are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. But Gary suspects they are rising.

“There are so many factors that contribute to anxiety, such as financial burdens and childcare problems, that are exacerbating, and there are also concerns about the seriousness of smoking and those who have stopped resuming smoking,” she said.

Quitting smoking can be incredibly difficult for anyone, primarily due to the presence of the highly addictive drug nicotine, a general of US surgeons who was once compared to heroin and cocaine. During a pandemic, people suffering from nicotine addiction may find it harder than usual to set up a doctor’s appointment or counseling session.

Still, there are various ways to help.

Nicotine replacement products such as daily exercise, prescription drugs, gums, patches, and lozenges may help fight the cravings often associated with nicotine withdrawal, Gary said. She also recommended the National Cancer Institute’s free telephone counseling line 800-QUIT-NOW (800-784-8669).

Anxious smokers often benefit most from using the diaphragm to exercise, pay attention, and perform “abdominal” breathing exercises, she said.

“Smoking is so automatic and time consuming that it is very helpful to take a break, focus on the moment and replace smoking with a healthy one that you really enjoy.”

American Heart Association News Covers heart and brain health. Not all views expressed in this story reflect the official position of the American Heart Association. Copyrighted by American Heart Association, Inc. Owned or owned by, and all rights are reserved. If you have any questions or comments about this story, please email [email protected].

Thor Kristensen

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