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Symptoms of new strains of coronavirus: dyspnea, joint pain, muscle pain


New coronavirus variants are now wildfire-spreading in the United Kingdom, with a total of 3.58 million cases of Covid. Prime Minister Boris Johnson revealed at a press conference on Friday that there is some evidence that the new variant may be associated with higher mortality.

It is important to detect the symptoms of coronavirus, and the signs of the new variant are said to be similar to the first COVID-19 strain. High temperature, new continuous cough, loss or change of smell or taste.

The severity of Covid cases also varies. Someone may have a bad case, but others are fine.

However, infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci warned about the “post-virus” syndrome, which attacks the body long after the virus leaves you.

Finding signs of this, known as Long Covid or Post Covid Syndrome, is one way to know if you are already infected.

read more: Covid Symptoms: How to Reveal Covid Risks Just by Touching Your Skin

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the following three symptoms are one of the most commonly reported symptoms of long Covid.


Dyspnea is a term used to describe dyspnea or dyspnea or dyspnea.

A small study found persistent lung findings, such as fibrosis (a type of lung scar), as a potential cause of this condition.

In a study of 55 recovered non-critical patients published at Lancet, more than 60% of patients showed persistent symptoms 3 months after discharge and more than 70% showed abnormal findings on lung CT scans. It was.

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A quarter had a clear decline in lung function.

Joint pain

Joint pain, another name for joint pain, is also linked to Covid.

According to another study at Lancet, “The current outbreak of COVID-19 caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-1) is clinical, including interstitial pneumonia, malaise, and headache. It is characterized by signs and symptoms. “

However, he added, “Joint pain is one of the symptoms that occurs in patients with COVID-19 and is found in 14.9 percent of cases.”

muscle pain

Muscle soreness refers to pain in muscles and tendons. This often happens in parallel with other symptoms.

“In general, coronaviruses, like other viruses, can cause inflammation of muscle tissue,” explained Amir Barzin, an incident commander at the UNC Medical Center to Health Respiratory Diagnostic Center.

Dr. Virgin explained that muscle soreness caused by a viral infection is caused by damage to muscle fibers by the virus itself.

The virus also triggers an inflammatory response in the body via inflammatory cytokines that essentially signal the functioning of the immune system, which can cause abnormal tissue destruction.

If you experience long-term Covid symptoms, you do not need to self-quarantine. The current NHS advises immediate self-isolation in the event of high temperatures, new continuous coughing, or loss or change of smell or taste.

Medical experts warned of an increase in the number of “Covid-tongues” associated with new strains of coronavirus and called for it to be added to the list of major symptoms.

Professor Tim Spector, a microbial flora, nutrition, and genomics researcher and author, tweeted, “I see an increase in the number of Covid’s tongue and strange mouth ulcers.”

Professor Specter posted a photo of the red tongue of a COVID-19 patient twitter As an example.

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