A variant of the coronavirus is here. Can the vaccine catch up?
So Rapid increase in vaccine deployment-Or in some cases Stumble first— In countries around the world, SARS-CoV-2 strains are developing some unique new features, primarily in the following ways: Rapid gene mutation.. Some evidence indicates that variants in recent months have made the virus more infectious, or perhaps more deadly in some cases.
Viral variants are unavoidable and often harmless. The new coronavirus can be mutated innumerably without the attention of epidemiologists. However, new strains identified in the United Kingdom, South Africa, Brazil and California are giving infectious disease professionals a pause.
Some studies have shown that the strain known as the B117 variant, which is prevalent in the United Kingdom, can be 70% more susceptible to infection than the original virus. Two analyzes in California suggested that a new West Coast strain called B.1.426 constitutes a quarter of the infections they examined. The world may appear to have entered a race between variants and vaccines as the news traverses between infection surges and inoculation efforts.
“Mutation changes are very rapid,” said Dr. Irwin Redlener, a pediatrician and disaster preparedness advisor to Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City. “I don’t know where it’s heading. This is the reality and I don’t know what to expect. What we’re more worried about is whether it mutates and becomes vaccine resistant or vaccines. It means that you can be partially resistant to it. That’s scary. You can fix the vaccine, but it all slows down. “
Overall, the arrival of new threatening strains should not change the behavior of the average person, three epidemiologists and public health advisers told The Daily Beast. Dr. Arnold Monto, an epidemiologist and professor of public health at the University of Michigan, said: “When it comes to vaccines and mitigation, mitigation remains the same because we know that mitigation works.” But that’s what we have to be more serious about following these kinds of rules. Means. “
“I think this primarily enhances the urgency of all aspects of the pandemic response,” said Dr. Joshua Schaffstein, vice dean of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “In addition to vaccination, we also do contact tracing, precautionary measures, and general vigilance tests. In the short term, there is not enough vaccine overall, so it takes much more time than vaccination. I will. “
UK stocks
UK health officials first announced the detection of a new strain in mid-December, just a week after becoming the first country in the world to start vaccination. At a press conference, State Health Minister Matt Hancock revealed that new mutations were observed in more than 1,000 patients, creating a new wave of strict blockades across the country. This strain was thought to date back to mid-September. By late December, its spread was correlated with a significant increase in COVID-19 infections throughout the county.
The phrase “more infectious” can be misleading, Monto said. Data on the new strain, for example, does not show that those exposed to the new strain are infected faster than those exposed to the old strain under the same conditions. Specifically, it refers to the rate at which the virus propagates.
“Let’s look at this in terms of what we know,” Monto said. “What we know is that this virus replicates better. Individuals need less of this virus to cause infection. How do you know this?” It is not known from the perspective of “the number of people in the room, the number of people infected with one variant and the number of people infected with other variants”. But what is very clear is that this virus is more efficient and inherited than the older virus. It tells us that it has some advantages in replication. “
On Friday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced at a news conference that the predominant variety could be 30 percent more deadly than the original variety.The conclusion came from the treatise Release A Study by the Emerging Virus Threat Advisory Group — A study pointed out by Monto, based on a very small number of patients in only a handful of settings.
“Many other things can be associated with increased mortality,” he said. “It also includes cases where there are more caregivers, as in the UK. I can’t say anything right now because of the small number. I can’t guess.”
“That was the declaration he made,” Redrener said of Johnson’s alert. “There wasn’t much evidence to continue, but he came to a conclusion and published it … for now, Boris Johnson should hold his statement until more evidence is available. I think that’s how it was.”
South african stock
Shortly after the UK strain was first announced, a mutant strain called B.1.351 appeared in South Africa. The new strain shared some mutations with its British predecessor, according to To CDC. Also, the transmission speed seems to be high. However, the greatest concern for South African strains was a new mutation in the genetic code that some experts feared could reduce the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine.Some spare the studyWe found that the South African mutant mutant E484K limited antibody efficacy by up to 50 percent — some of them were peer reviewed.
“That’s definitely a concern,” Redrener said. Report About the research from Richard Engel of NBC. “It’s a concern because legitimate scientists mentioned it. What we don’t know is how credible his work is, and he came to that conclusion.”
Monto pointed out that the study was drawn from a small number of studies and had few actual cases, and felt that the conclusions were not so disturbing. “The bottom line is that we’re trying to see in the laboratory whether the blood from the vaccine will neutralize the mutants as well as the original virus,” Dr. Monteau said. “They look like that, and there are some treatises to date. Some say their tests are good. Others say it’s not that good, but it’s okay. I will. “
Other strains
According to the CDC, another new variant was detected in Japan among four travelers from Brazil. Although relatively little is known about the Brazilian subspecies, Reuters reported on Friday that new strains account for almost half of the new infections in Manaus, Brazil’s largest city in the state of Amazonas.
Last summer, a SARS-CoV-2 strain appeared in Denmark in connection with Danish mink agriculture. WHO.. The country has killed 17 million minks to prevent the virus from spreading to humans.
In California, scientists discovered a new variant in late December shortly after the state experienced the worst pandemic Los Angeles Times, Two research groups observed a new morphology, looking for evidence that British stocks had moved west. It is also highly contagious and seems to be the fastest growing variant of the state today.Despite the discovery, local civil servants and the media are primarily I took responsibility About residents they claim they have ceased to comply with blockade guidelines.
“This is a very complicated question. What is causing the outbreak in a particular location,” says Redrener. “Many have to do with basic compliance, but in addition there may be some other strains that haven’t been identified yet. We’re doing a lot in the dark. That’s a lot of guesswork and speculation. You need to continue your search. “
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