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Hawaii records 6 new coronavirus-related deaths and 153 infections

Hawaii records 6 new coronavirus-related deaths and 153 infections


Hawaiian health officials made six new reports today CoronavirusWith associated deaths and 153 new infections, the state has totaled 342 deaths and 25,154 cases since the outbreak of the pandemic.

Five of the dead were on Oahu and one was on Maui. Details about the latest deaths were not immediately available.

The state’s official coronavirus-related deaths include 271 on Oahu, 46 on the Big Island, 21 on Maui, 1 on Kauai, and 3 on the mainland. I am. The Hawaii County Civil Defense Agency said the Big Island’s COVID-19 deaths remained at 51, but state officials have verified coronavirus as a factor in six of these deaths. Absent. No coronavirus-related deaths have been reported in the last three weeks in Hawaii County.

Coronavirus-related deaths in the United States have exceeded 418,000 today.

Today’s new state-wide infections reported by the Ministry of Health include 103 on Oahu, 34 on Maui, 8 on the Big Island, and 8 people diagnosed outside of Hawaii, officials said. Said.

The statistics released today reflect new cases of infection reported to the department on Friday.

Since the outbreak, the total number of island-specific coronaviruses has been 20,436 in Oahu, 2,122 in Hawaii County, 1,605 in Maui, 177 in Kauai, 106 in Lanai, and 25 in Molokai. There are also 683 Hawaiian residents diagnosed outside the state. As a result of the updated information, two cases from Oahu were reclassified to Hawaii, and one from Oahu and one from Hawaii were excluded from the count, health officials said. today.

Health officials also said today that 1,700 of the state’s total infections are believed to be active. Authorities say they consider infectious diseases reported in the last 14 days to be “substitute numbers for active cases.” The number of active cases in the state has decreased by 36 today.

By island, there are 1,246 active cases on Oahu, 328 on Maui, 116 on the Big Island, and 10 on Kauai, according to the latest state aggregates. There are no active COVID cases in Lanai and Molokai.

Health officials counted 5,853 new COVID-19 test results in today’s aggregate, with a state-wide positive rate of 2.5%. According to Hawaii’s COVID-19 data dashboard, the state has an average 7-day positive rate of 2.4%.

Of all confirmed cases of Hawaii infection, 1,660 require hospitalization, and state health officials reported three new hospitalizations today.

Four hospitalizations throughout the state are Hawaiian residents diagnosed and treated outside the state. Of the 1,656 hospitalizations in the state, 1,452 are on Oahu, 97 on Maui, 94 on the Big Island, 7 on Kauai, 5 on Lanai, and 1 on Molokai. ..

A total of 96 patients with the virus were in Hawaii hospitals as of Friday morning, 21 in the intensive care unit and 18 on the ventilator, according to updates from the department’s Hawaii COVID-19 data dashboard. I was in.

Health officials said that as of January 18, 70,095 of the 154,150 vaccines received by the state had been administered. The county vaccination is 39,886 in Honolulu. Maui, 10,195; Hawaii, 7,011; Kauai, 5,328. The total also includes 7,675 managed under the Federal Pharmacy Program. State officials will release an updated vaccination number every Wednesday.

Oahu moved to Tier 2 of Honolulu’s four-tier economic recovery program on October 22, with less restrictions. To determine if Honolulu will move to another tier, the city will perform a “weekly assessment” of two major COVID-19 numbers every Wednesday. .. To move from Tier 2 to Tier 3, the 7-day average for new cases must be less than 50 on two consecutive Wednesdays. Also, the 7-day average positive rate should be less than 2.5% on these two Wednesdays.

According to Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi, the average number of cases on Oahu today for seven days is 78, with an average positive rate for seven days of 3.0%.

Branjardi said last week he wanted to stay in Tier 2, a four-tiered framework established by former Mayor Kirk Caldwell. In Tier 3, Tier 2 allows from 5 to up to 10 social gatherings, allowing retailers to operate at full capacity instead of 50% capacity in Tier 2.

This latest news will be updated as more information becomes available.

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